Cookie Policy

Cookie Usage Explanation

We employ traffic log cookies to identify the pages you visit, enabling us to analyze web page traffic for continuous website improvement to better meet customer needs. This information is used solely for statistical analysis purposes and promptly removed from our system.

Cookies also play a pivotal role in enhancing your interaction with Social Media sites, facilitating a seamless and personalized experience.

Our Commitment to Your Privacy:

Cookies contribute to providing an improved website experience by helping us monitor valuable pages and areas that may need improvement. It’s essential to clarify that cookies do not grant us access to your device or any personal information, except for data willingly shared by you.

Purposes of the Cookies We Use:

  •       Strictly Necessary Cookies:

              Necessary for our website to function; disabling them may impact site functionality.

              They do not store personally identifiable information.

  •        Performance Cookies – First Party:

              Necessary for understanding how you interact with our websites.

              Information received is aggregated and anonymized.

  •        Performance Cookies – Third Party:

              Assist in internal business decisions, aggregated and anonymized.

  •        Functional Cookies:

              Enable enhanced functionality and personalization.

              If disabled, some services may not function correctly.

  •        Targeting Cookies:

              Set by advertising partners to make ads more relevant; they use unique identifiers, not personal information.

  •        Social Media Cookies:

              Enable sharing or following content; set by social media partners.

Third-Party Cookies

Third-party services, such as analytics providers or advertisers, may also use cookies to collect information on our website. We have no control over these cookies and recommend checking the privacy policies of these third-party services for more information.

Changes to Our Cookie Policy

We may update our Cookie Policy to reflect changes in technology or legal requirements. Please review this policy periodically for any updates.

How to Change Cookie Settings:

Tailor your browsing experience by adjusting cookie preferences in the ‘Cookie Preferences’ section at the bottom of each site. Enable or disable non-mandatory cookie categories based on your preferences. We recommend enabling all categories for an optimal experience.

Note: News Decensored has no affiliation with, and is not responsible for, these third-party websites.

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