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British banker Jacob Rothschild dies aged 87; How his family helped creating Israel and Genocide of Palestinians

The regional and global clout of many countries in the world is much more stable and effective than others, but mainly refers to the centralization of the United Nations and the major powers in international or interstate relations under international law. The UN Security Council consists of five permanent members or countries with veto power. That is, the United States of America, Russia, Great Britain, France and China. This world system is post-World War II. Earlier there used to be an international organization called League of Nations. In addition to Great Britain, France and America, Italy was a major power. Basically, this game started in the seventeenth century AD. As it happened, the West (Europe) after the Treaty of Westphalia emerged in new geographic boundaries with a new nation-state interpretation in a new way on the world map. After that, the stage from the French Revolution to the First World War was also determined with changes. The communist revolution in Russia and the end of the Ottoman Empire of the Muslim Turks in West Asia after World War I.

One opinion is that the Jewish factor played a key role behind the scenes in this Great Game and expressed its political existence much later under the name of Zionism or the Zionist movement and organization. It should not be forgotten that the secret agreement which later came to be known as the Sykes-Picot Agreement was not limited to these two diplomats or to Great Britain and France, but included the United States of America and Tsarist Russia. was also included. It is possible that in the future the secret will be revealed that the First World War, the fall of the Turkish Empire and the occupation and control of the Holy Hijaz by Al Saud were the result of a pre-arranged secret deal. Long story short, World War II took place in continuation of this secret Zionist conspiracy. The Belfer Declaration should also be considered a part of the same secret deal. Reasonable researchers need to uncover more hidden facts about the role of Rothschild Jewish family in how these countries became a great power in this materialistic world. But the most important role in the establishment of Israel was played by the Rothschild family, which was acknowledged by the fourth Lord Daniel Charles Jacob Rothschild in 2017, who dies at the age of 87 yesterday in London.

On November 2, 1917, British Foreign Minister Lord Belfour wrote the famous Balfour Declaration, in the name of Jacob Rothschild’s cousin Lionel Walter Rothschild (1868-1937). Walter Rothschild was a British Zionist and friend of Chaim Weizmann, who later became Israel’s first president. Jacob Rothschild spent openly on Israel and Zionist causes.

Israel, which is a thorn in the heart of Muslims, has become a thorn in the souls.  And since October the 7th killed more than 30,000 innocent Muslims including, women and children. At a time when the crimes of the Zionist regime have reached the peak and the existence of the Muslim population of 2 million people is in danger.

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