Palestine & Israel Conflict

Gaza Health Ministry urgently appeals for help to save health care system amid Israeli conflict

The Gaza Health Ministry urgently appeals for help to save the health care system amid the Israeli conflict. Health infrastructure in Gaza has been weakened over the years, and heavy aerial bombardment and ground incursion into Gaza will further worsen this situation. Hospitals have reported shortages of life-saving medical supplies, including antibiotics, anesthetics, and blood products. The injured—many with injuries requiring complex surgical interventions—overwhelm the capacity of the doctors and the facility.

The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre estimated that around 1,000,000 Palestinians were displaced by May 26. The Gaza Health Ministry spokesman Dr. Ashraf Al-Qudra, illustrates the impasse in his statement: “We are in a state of an emergency never witnessed before in the health sector. The hospitals are complete, and the medical supplies are running out. The conflict is ongoing, and the chances of transporting such aid into the region are complex and challenging because of the blockade.

“The situation in Gaza is dire, and the health system is on the brink of collapse. We need safe corridors for humanitarian aid, and we urge all parties to respect International Humanitarian Law, with absolute protection of health care workers and health care facilities, ” said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

The recent events of a humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza raise critical ethical issues. Targeting medical installations, as well as blocking access to medical personnel, is outlawed by international humanitarian law. The health workers in Gaza are working under assumed conditions, with most of them risking their lives while trying to save the lives of other people. Reports of hospitals being hit have escalated the situation.

Added to this, there is a psychological impact on the public at large, and a fear of violence, loss of near and dear ones, and destruction of homes gave rise to a fear of psychosis and trauma. There was a pressing demand for liberal services for mental health, both in the rich countries and in the poorer countries, which did not offer them. We are unable to provide the necessary care to the wounded. Without this immediate international intervention, there will be many lives that could still be saved but will have been lost.”

International Response and Challenges:

Many international bodies and countries have responded to this call from the health ministry in Gaza with requests for access to Gaza to rapidly carry in medical supplies and support the healthcare givers within Gaza.

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