
Jammu and Kashmir Hold First Provincial Election in a Decade Amid High Stakes

People in the disputed state of Jammu and Kashmir went to polls on Wednesday in the first provincial election in a decade, with the future of the troubled Himalayan region at stake. Some nine million registered voters are expected to participate in the three-tier election to elect 90 regional assembly members. The voting of the proposals will take place on October 8, and the voting results will follow on the same day.

 The election, therefore, comes at a time when democracy processes have been halted for a long time. Some of the voters included the following: ‘I voted for development. I am a first-time voter, and for the last ten years, I could not exercise my democratic right,’ noted 23-year-old Mohammad Asim Bhat. 

 Historical Context and Revocation of Special Status 

 Jammu and Kashmir is a province in India that has been the centre of conflict between India and Pakistan since the partition of the subcontinent in 1947. While both nations lay complete claim to the region, they effectively occupy only a portion. They have fought at least three wars, two of which are over the possession of this region of Kashmir. 

 It had a certain level of self-governance until August 2019, when the Modi-led government annulled the region’s special status, making Jammu and Kashmir part of India. The government said this was to restore stability and foster development in the area to attain the intended goal. The Supreme Court of India affirmed it last year and required holding local elections before September 30. 

Election Security and Militant Threats 

 The actual conduct of the election.” in Jammu and Kashmir, it has generally not been a free and violence-free process; miliviolence-freean rule in the state has targeted the voters. Nevertheless, the voter turnout increased by 58.46%  in the territory during the national elections held in April and May this year, the highest in the last 35 years.  This high level of interest may benefit the provincial polls significantly. 

 The area is still tense because security personnel are used to prevent attacks. Militants have especially disliked electoral processes in the past because they are perceived as an acceptance of Indian presence in the territory of Kashmir. 

Key Players and Election Promises 

 It is a contest between regional parties, the principal opposition Indian National Congress, and Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party. Regional parties campaign to restore Article 370, while the BJP seeks progress and permanent work to eradicate militancy. 

 Once formed, the new legislative assembly shall be endowed with powers to discuss matters affecting the area, make legislation, and endorse government matters. Restoring the region’s special status, which is still outside the competence of the republic’s authorities, can be solved only at the federal level. 

 Since the voters were quite active after prolonged political instability, this election may prove crucial in deciding the future of Jammu and Kashmir. 

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