
The United Nations strongly condemned the terrorist attack on the Moscow concert hall

Russia has indicted four people allegedly involved in an attack on a concert hall on the outskirts of Moscow on Friday.

According to the British news agency Reuters, more than 100 people injured in the attack are being treated in hospital, some of them are in serious condition.

It has been done under the names of Mirzoev, Saidakrami Rachabalizuda, Shamsuddin Faridooni, and Mohammad Sabir Faizov.

According to the channel, these four people living in Russia are citizens of the former Soviet Republic of Tajikistan and will be detained until May 22. Three of the four persons have confessed to all the charges before the court.

In courtroom photos released by Russian media, a suspect in the attack can be seen being wheeled out in a wheelchair with what appears to be one eye missing.

The second person had a bandage on his right ear and the third had a black mark on his eye and a plastic bag was seen around his neck while the fourth person’s face was swollen.

President Putin called the attack on the Moscow concert hall a “barbaric act of terrorism” and vowed to severely punish all those involved.

On Sunday, the Russian President declared a day of mourning in the entire country and said that terrorists, murderers, and enemies of humanity will face a tragic end.

On Saturday, the picture was posted on Amaq News, the Telegram channel of the militant group Daesh.

In the statement with reference to the security sources with the picture, it is said that this attack was carried out in the context of the fight between Daesh and the countries that are against Islam.

ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack in Moscow, but Russia has indicated it sees Ukrainian-linked fighters behind it. Ukrainian authorities have strongly denied any link to the attack.

The incident took place on the sidelines of a music program at Crooks City Hall in Krasnogorsk, where gunmen opened fire indiscriminately. According to reports, a terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the attack.

In a statement issued by his Deputy Spokesman Farhan Haq, the Secretary-General has expressed his sincere condolences to the families of the victims, the people of Russia, and the government over the incident and wished the injured a speedy recovery.

The council has said that dozens of human lives were lost as a result of this reprehensible act of terrorism. The members of the Council have expressed their heartfelt regret and condolences to the victims and the people of Russia.

He says that terrorism in all its forms is one of the most serious threats to international peace and security. The perpetrators, planners, financiers, and patrons of this terrorism should be arrested and brought to justice.

The United Nations Security Council has also condemned the incident, calling it a barbaric and cowardly terrorist attack.

Council members urged all countries to actively cooperate with the Government of Russia and other relevant authorities on this matter, fulfilling their obligations under international law and relevant Security Council resolutions.

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