Islamophobia Faced by Muslims in the UK

An alarming report on Islamophobia is at a record high. Recently in England, Scotland and Wales, Muslims have been subjected to violence more than ever both physically and verbally, according to the report.

As much as Muslims respect every other religion and community in the world, their own religious places have been subject to so much in the past. From shouting anti-Muslim slogans on Muslims in Public to pig’s head placed on the Mosque tombs, these actions are senseless and upsetting.

It is the most basic human right to give people the freedom to choose their religion, lifestyle, culture, food and belief, as long as it is not harming anyone else.

Islam and its true followers never promote anything but peace. Yet the Muslims all around the world are subjected to extreme Anti-Islamic and Islamophobic mindsets.

People really just target the Islamic community to show their hate. And there is no specific class or gender for them to do that to.

About 90% of Muslims living in the UK reported to have faced the effects of Islamophobic mindsets.

The cases of Islamophobia reported last year were about 4 times as many as reported in the last decade. The reported reason is the war situation going on in Gaza. But there is no justification of self defense marking you as terrorists.

Some of the reported cases of Islamophobia are way extreme and totally unacceptable. For example a woman who got hit by a car and the driver looked back and ran over her again because of the way she dressed up as a Muslim.

Another woman from the UK told the reporters that a man came in front of her, punched her right in her face and told her to go back to her country.

Muslims in the UK also complain about their reports not being heard or taken a notice of. What is being done in this case by the government still remains a question.

Islamophobia is Anti-Muslim Racism. And it affects the Muslims in every way. Whether they apply for a job or go to an event. Even the Muslims walking on roads are subject to Islamophobia. 

There have been various cases of Hijab wearing Women being attacked in wide daylight in the UK. They get shouted on and pulled out of their Hijab. They are not allowed to work in most of the offices for the same reason. And what is it if not completely awful? How come we have no set rules for not spreading religious hate and no one gets punished for these crimes especially in the UK?

There have also been multiple reported cases of Muslims who got threats of acid attacks and other serious things. Muslim schools receive threats and Mosques are under attack at multiple points in time. There is no specific step made by the government of the UK up till this day to harness these matters and Muslims are living in a state of fear and paranoia.

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