
Arfa Karim Randhawa, the youngest Microsoft certified professional (MCP)  Life, achievements and death

Arfa Karim Randhawa was born in on February 2nd, 1995 in Faisalabad, a city of Pakistan. She was 5 years old when she first saw a computer in her school. She got so interested in computers that she started studying them right at that young age. Her father was an army man and he retired to be a manager of Arfa Karim. Recently we celebrated the seventh death anniversary of Arfa Karim on January 14th, 2024.

The abilities and accomplishments of Alpha Karim were so astonishing for the whole world that the CEO of Microsoft Bill Gates, invited her for a meetup when she was 9. She asked a lot of questions from Bill Gates and he was impressed by the intellect of Arfa Karim. Her questions ranged from how can women be more effective in the field of IT to how can IT serve the world.

Being a software engineer at the age of just 9 is no small deal, and the world recognized it. She won multiple awards on her accomplishment and she planned big for the future. She wanted to study more in depth in the field of Information Technology and according to her father she wanted to serve people who under-use the power of Technology specially from the villages in Pakistan.

 Other than the achievements that she had attained she also set up an institute for training for the poor people of villages in the field of Information Technology.

According to the experts, she was ‘Intelligent beyond years’ and had she lived longer, she would have added a lot to the field of IT.

It was around the millennials that take industry florist in Pakistan and in the world, two brothers in the same era also invented the first virus for computer to which they claimed that it is not harmful yet it was an addition to the Technology Sector.

Arfa’s father Col Karim told that Arfa Karim used to tell them “don’t take our generation lightly. “

And it was actually around that time that youth started taking initiative that changed the world for the better.

Other than these fields Arfa Karim was also working with NASA. “Arfa’s centre of gravity was wanting to improve human resource development by focusing on education.” Her father said in an interview. In an interview , Arfa’s father told that he does not remember the passwords to his email since Arfa used to handle them.

Her achievements seem so big to even the people who are several times her age.

She died at the age of 16 in 2012, followed by an epileptic attack and had to stay in the hospital for months before her death.  Arfa Karim will be remembered not only by her family but by the whole world till the end of time. Arfa Karim got the pride of performance award and the government of Pakistan made Arfa Karim Technology park in her remembrance.

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