Palestine & Israel Conflict

Palestine conflict and world peace!

Since October 7 more than 30,000 Palestinians have been martyred by Israel’s ferocious bombardment. It is difficult to estimate the actual number because the bodies of many Palestinians are still buried under the rubble.

There is no electricity, water, medicine and access to human rights organizations to Gaza, meaning the world’s largest prison, is turned into a formal crematorium. If we look at the reaction given by the Islamic countries in this situation, it becomes clear that unfortunately the Muslim countries are not united on a single point even on a sensitive issue like Palestine.

Historically speaking, Palestine was a part of the Ottoman Empire, but after the end of the First World War, great changes took place in the political and geographical situation of the region when France and Great Britain divided the various states of the Middle East on the basis of regionalism. gave During this period, under a well-thought- out plan, Jews under the auspices of Britain were transferred from Europe to Palestine.

When the Zionists arrived in Palestine in large numbers, they began their military operations targeting unsuspecting Palestinians. These Palestinians were evicted from their homes, their properties were seized, and their businesses were destroyed. In response, Arab nationalists launched a resistance that continues to this day.

In 1948, when Britain established the state of Israel on the land of Palestine, Jerusalem was not part of it. The map that the United Nations made to divide the territory into Palestine and Israel also recommended giving Jerusalem under international control. But the Palestinians did not accept this plan and continued to struggle for the independence of their entire territory. kept In the 1948 war, Israel captured West Jerusalem while East Jerusalem remained under Jordanian control.

In 1947, the United Nations proposed a two-state solution to the issue, envisioning one Jewish and one Arab state, while Jerusalem was declared an independent international city. However, the Arab- Israeli war of the following year ended this proposal before it could be implemented.

In the 1973 “Yom Kippur” war, Egypt and Syria attacked Israel to regain the territories they lost in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, namely Egypt, the Gaza Strip and the Sinai desert, the Syrian Golan Heights, and eastern Jordan. Israel won this war, but after this war, Israel realized that it could not fight together with all the Arab countries, so after six years of this war, Israel and Egypt made a peace agreement and returned the Sinai region to Egypt.

Similarly, a peace agreement was reached between Jordan and Israel and later Israel withdrew its troops from the Gaza Strip. But on the other hand, Israel has continued its expansionist policies in Jordan. In this area with 86% of the Palestinian population, the Jewish settlement that started in 1970 has doubled in the last twenty years. The local Arabs continue to clash with the Zionists who come here, where the Israeli army supports the occupying Jews.

In the 1993 Oslo Accords, both sides of the conflict, Palestine and Israel, recognized each other’s existence, the Palestinian Authority was established in Gaza and the West Bank, and it seemed that an independent Palestinian state would soon exist. It will come and Israel’s expansionist policy since 1948 will be closed, but unfortunately, the extremist Zionist political parties that dominate Israel’s internal politics have made sure that Israel’s expansionist policies continue in any way.

To be able to live and to bring Jews from all over the world to settle in the areas given to the Palestinian Authority under the Oslo Agreement and to evict the Palestinian Arabs already there from their homes. It should have happened that America and the United Nations would have taken strict action against Israel, but in order to protect their interests, they not only provided political support to Israel to continue these expansionist policies, but also provided Israel with all the support in the region. 3 billion dollars annually and continued to supply modern weapons to transform it into a powerful military force. America ensured that no Arab country could be militarily more technologically advanced than Israel.

Continuing its expansionist policies, in 2007 Israel declared Jerusalem as its capital, which was previously Tel Aviv. The United States, showing its traditional political hypocrisy on this issue, not only justified Israel’s move, but also fully supported it. Here the question arises that how did America finally conclude that any kind of peace will be established in the region after such actions? Since 2008, there have been numerous small clashes between Israel and the Palestinians, and there is no possibility of lasting peace in the future.

The current war is unique compared to the past in that the scale of the war created by Hamas has not been seen in the last fifty years.

The biggest question at this time is how to bring peace back to the region because it is very important for Gaza and so far no on knows the answer.

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