
An act misunderstood as ‘Blasphemy’ caused a woman to almost die in Lahore, Pakistan

Lahore is one of the biggest cities of Pakistan and is famous for its historical significance. The city consists of mostly Muslims. And like all big and small cities, some events in Lahore startle the people in a good or a bad way. This one is a sad one.
There are some things that go wrong in even the Muslim communities because of ignorance of people, lack of knowledge and extreme natures.
Here’s what happened a few days ago, in Lahore, Pakistan.
So there was a married couple, enjoying their day by shopping at a store. Amidst their shopping something caught the eye of a stranger. He saw that the script on the woman’s shirt was Arabic.
He instantly considered it, Quranic verses and called out to a crowd of people.
Not a single one out of the mob gave it a second thought. They didn’t even bother to check what was written on the shirt. Yet they all attacked the woman with anything they could find at that time. The woman was cornered and frightened for her life. She kept screaming for help and luckily the shopkeepers informed the police and managed to somehow keep the crowd away for
the time being.
The woman’s clothing had an Arabic script on it, but nobody bothered to check if it was something specific. The Arabic word ‘Hilwa’ was written on the shirt which literally means ‘beautiful. ‘
Were people really being so ferocious about just a random Arabic word without any logic? Yes they were.
Apart from being a language that the Holy Quran was revealed in, Arabic is just a language.
And there is no reason for anyone to go to such an extreme as to go for killing someone for a language.
Even if the dress actually carried the Quranic text, I don’t think that the majority of Muslims would be OK with what happened next. Islam never promotes or approves of ignorance and trouble making.
A female police officer came to the scene and bravely rescued the accused woman. She was successful in taking her out of the crowd of ill-minded, self-righteous people before they could harm the woman by risking herself during the scene.
Now people like these are the ones to be blamed when the world becomes Islamophobic. This is not at all something Islams and the sensible Muslims would approve of. Yet it happened due to some extremists, in that society like every other society.

Those men were shamed and condemned for their act but the point is, how many innocent people have to go through such extreme acts before these extremists are controlled?

There have been other such cases in the past, some extreme, others questionable, but the point is that how much longer until people stop taking law into their own hands just to show they are religious?
The event could have gone worse but luckily, the situation was controlled efficiently.

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