Food & Health

Hydration in Islam: Connecting spiritual and physical well-being

Hydration has deep connection with the principles of health and well-being in Islam and
it plays crucial role in the Islamic tradition. In Islam where maintainance of good health
is being emphasized then on the other hand hydration is also considered as a
fundamental aspect.
In Arabic Water is recognized as “ma’a” and it carry a high rank in the teachings of
Islam. Now in this session we will explain the various significance of hydration in
Islamic nutrition laws.
Leonardo da Vinci said:
“Water is the driving force of all nature”
The spiritual significance of water in Islam is very deep and about that Quran says water
shows its significancy on numerous times and make us feel that how much water is
essential for us to survive in this world especially during the periods of Ramazan.
Allah says in Quran:
“And We made from water every living thing” (Surah Al-Anbiya, 21:30)
Water is the best gift of Allah and we believe that when we consume it with gratitude we
perfrom worship by saying thanks to Allah.
In case of health, Holy Prophet (SAW) emphasize the importance of good health in his
teachings. He taught his followers that drink water on regular basis to keep yourself
hydrated and active. Holy Prophet (SAW) also recommends his followers that start your
meal with water and to drink in moderation all around the day.
The importance of hydration in Ramadan is undefindable. Muslims come to know the
importance of water when they fast from dawn to sunset. Hydration during this period
from sunrise sunset become more critical if proper precautions are not taken on time. So
its important for fasting individuals that take adequate amount of water during the
dawn meal and in the Iftar meal to maintain theirselves active throughtout the fasting
period because individuals have to do their routine works to perform their duties so if
they donot take water in adequate amount then they have to face problems of
Hydration is very important for physical and mental well-being to perfrom optimal
physical and mental function. Water is necessary to regulate our body‘s
temperature,aiding digestion,transporting nutrients and swipe out the harmful toxins
from the body. Taking adequate amount of water on regular basis help us to reduce the

problems of fatigue,heart disease, daibeties which play their important role in
performing salah and daily tasks.
Water also plays an important role in social and culture practices. By offering water to
guests or a to thirsty person is a sign of benevolency and hospitality. In Islam remove
the thirst of a thirsty person and sharing water to others is an ethical act and it is
encourage in the teachings of Islam as well because it shows the values of compassion,
community, and solidarity with others.

Practical Tips for Hydration:
Make your schedule to drink maximum 8 glass of water on daily basis, this suggestion
has recommended by the health specialists to maintain your hydration.
As water is best choice to maintain the hydration level but you can also fulfil this level by
adding other fluids such as milk, herbal teas, and fruit juices.
You can maintain yourself hydrated by adding fruits and vegetables in your diet.
In rape up, Hydration is not only considered as a maintainance of health but it has a
deep connection with Islamic teachings. It’s a cultural practice in the Islamic point of
view. By understanding the importance of water and taking adequate amount of water
on daily basis, Muslims can maintain their hydration level according to the teachings of

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