Food & Health

Fitness in Islam: Nurturing Body and Soul

A significant role has been given to exercise in the teachings of Islam because it promotes physical, spiritual, and mental well-being. According to the teachings of Islam, the body is the trust of Allah, and it’s our duty to take care of it. Maintaining its health is crucial. Let’s delve into a detailed discussion and see what our Islam says about the role of exercise in Islamic lifestyle.

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” – Jim Rohn

The first thing which exercise does in Islamic lifestyle is to contribute to physical health. Islamic teachings encourage us to take care of our bodies,which means engaging ourselves in Islamic teachings. Making a habit of doing exercise on a regular basis helps strengthen muscles, improve health, and overall fitness, which is very necessary for staying active. Holy Prophet (SAW) emphasized us to make a habit of engaging ourselves in swimming, walking, etc., to maintain a balanced lifestyle.

Furthermore, exercise helps us to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and we can get rid of all these problems just by doing exercise on a daily basis. Islamic teachings exemplify the importance of exercise in its teachings that it’s very important to maintain a positive mental state, and doing this activity on a daily basis helps achieve your goal.

“Try, try, try again until you succeed.”

This phrase perfectly describes this situation, and by following this rule of trying again, we will become successful, just like the aunt succeeded after doing a lot of attempts.

Moreover, according to the teachings of Islam, exercise teaches us how to overcome our self-control and how to maintain discipline. By committing to regular exercise, we can overcome self-control and discipline, and both of these are very important to implement. This discipline is not only followed in exercise but exemplifies its importance in all areas of life, starting from worship to personal activities.

Exercise also plays a crucial role in spiritual growth along with physical and mental well- being. A healthy body, according to the teachings of Islam, enables us to perform all duties with passion in Salah, Fasting, or giving charity. Maintaining physical fitness and overall well-being also enhances our ability to be thankful and to worship Allah.

Exercise promotes the interaction of communities in the Muslim Ummah by taking part in activities like sports, cricket, or any outdoor activity, which demands gathering. In this way, interactions become stronger among the believers of Islam. Gathering promotes the sense of brotherhood and sisterhood, signifying an important meaning in Islam.

Islam promotes moderation in every field of life, including exercise. Holy Prophet (SAW) said to keep moderation in all aspects of life in diet, sleep, work, recreation because excessiveness of everything is bad.

In conclusion, in Islamic lifestyle, exercise has a crucial role as it promotes physical and mental health as well as spiritual well-being. Muslims can honor Allah’s trust by engaging themselves in physical activities and taking care of their bodies. Discipline and community interaction become stronger by making a routine habit of exercise. It’s the best way to approach a balanced life by embracing the teachings of Islam and involving exercise in routine life. Muslim believers can live a purposeful life by following the teachings of Islam not only in this world but also in the Hereafter.

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