
After Super Tuesday…the Biden-Trump scenario is repeated and a war is coming.

With the closing of the polls in the American primaries for the Democratic and Republican parties on Super Tuesday, and former President Donald Trump topping 10 out of 15 states, it has become certain that the old scenario for the 2020 presidential elections will be repeated next November.

Although many Americans would have preferred to have a third option other than 77-year-old Trump or his octogenarian arch-rival, current President Joe Biden (81 years old).

In this context, Edmond Gharib, professor of international relations in Washington, said that the majority of Americans would prefer to see other people nominated from the Republican and Democratic parties.

But he added in statements to international media on Wednesday that the reality is completely different. There are well-organized political forces that support both Biden and Trump, and they also have popular forces that support them as well, of course. They believe that if the competing candidate reaches the White House, he will threaten democracy and the country’s interests.

He said: “The situation is unusual, and we have never witnessed such political polarization and this intensity in the United States for a long time.”

The war is coming.

In addition, he believed that the results of Super Tuesday are almost settled, as Trump will win the Republican nomination, and Biden will win the Democratic nomination, and therefore there will be a war between them.

The former president swept, without surprises, and as expected, 11 states, namely Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Maine, Alabama, Oklahoma, Massachusetts, Arkansas, Texas, Colorado, and Minnesota, with the start of the results of the “Super Tuesday” elections, which include 15 states to obtain the Republican Party’s presidential nomination.

While his competitor, Nikki Haley, did not record any significant threat to him, and failed to impede his progress.

As for his opponent, Biden, in turn, he did not face any difficulty on this important American day.

It is noteworthy that Real Clear Politics media polls indicated that Trump is ahead by 65 points in the primary elections, and by two points over Biden in the November presidential elections.

Several recent opinion polls also showed that the former president won the support of 52% of voters, compared to 48% for the current president, who is seeking a second term in the White House.

Note that both candidates face many difficulties and problems. Trump has lawsuits flying over his head, while Biden faces many doubts about his age and his ability to effectively serve a second term, in addition to the criticism that has been directed against him due to the immigration issue and controlling the US-Mexican border.

No surprises… Trump wins 10 states so far on Super Tuesday.

Without any surprises so far, Donald Trump has won the Republican Party primaries in the states of Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Maine, Alabama, Oklahoma, Massachusetts, Arkansas, Texas, and Colorado, according to what American television networks expected, with the start of the results of the “Super Tuesday” elections, which include 15 states to obtain the party’s nomination. Republican for

Expectations of a sweeping victory for Trump.

The former president, who is seeking an enthusiastic return to the White House after being ousted by Democrat Joe Biden in 2020, is expected to achieve a sweeping victory in the 15 states on Tuesday on his way to seizing the nomination ticket.

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