
“Donald Trump’s Bid for Re-election: 15 Promises Outlined”

Donald Trump, who might be the Republican choice for president again, has promised a few things during his campaign. He wants to change pollution rules for cars, build 10 new cities, and pick a special lawyer to look into President Joe Biden and his family. Some of Trump’s ideas don’t have lots of details, but these 15 plans are important parts of what he wants to do if he gets elected again.

During his era, Donald Trump did a lot on migration and borders as well. He also visited the southern border on February 29 to talk about his tough immigration rules. He also said that we will move to focus on immigration like parts of the DEA, ATF, FBI, and DHS.

Donald Trump also said in his speech that he will fight a lot against the drug cartels in his next term and Congress to make sure drug smugglers could get the death penalty for their bad actions as well.

Trump wants to say Goodbye to the educational departments because in his opinion states can handle education better. He said in his speech that he wanted to give more money to schools where teachers are rewarded for good work. He also wanted to say welcome to the Commission of 1776 to teach the values and history of Americans to children.

In the previous November, Donald Trump promised his public to bring a better healthcare plan. He said he tried his best in his former era but could not succeed in his mission but he wants one of the best healthcare plans throughout the world. Bidden changed some of the policies related to medicine but Trump has promised he will pay the same price for medicines if he’s elected again.

In the Conference of March 2023, he further said he would stop all of the rules of Bidden that support changing kids’ gender and make it illegal with the support of Congress. Trump wants Congress to stop using money to support gender surgeries otherwise he will not permit the use of government money.

Donald Trump said he will use the justice system to go after the criminal parties and Biden as well as he said he will completely change the justice system if he sees any case as unfair. He wants to focus on technology censorship and made firm promises to conservative judicial appointments.Against “Marxist” prosecutors Donald Trump wants to take action with the help of federal police and he will look into racial bias, fund police more, and send in the National Guard if local police won’t act.

Trump criticized NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), saying he wouldn’t protect countries, and made a promise to end the war in Ukraine. He said he would ask warmongers to stop the war.

Trump wants to build” Freedom cities” to increase the dream of America. Cities will be constructed on Federal Land, the purpose of constructing buildings there is to renew manufacturing, create new jobs, and provide a sustainable living environment. He also made a promise that this would be conducted by developing new air vehicles to increase the rural economy.

Trump said he would cancel the new car pollution rule which is set by the Environmental Protection Agency in Biddens rule and would increase electric vehicle sales as much as he can. He plans to break Biden’s order of electric vehicles and will hurt the workers of the auto industry on his first day.

Trump promised to make energy cheaper by increasing domestic production and by removing limits on natural gas.

In the South Carolina rally, Trump promised tough punishments on China and other violators. He Proposed the “Trump Reciprocal Trade Act, aiming to implement tariffs on countries that tariff the US. In the first trade plan of America, he promised to bring back jobs and reduce the tariffs on foreign goods aimed at reducing American taxes. To protect national security he plans to fade out China’s exports.

Trump promised to extend the individual income tax break more than from his previous tax cuts and he also wants to reduce the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15% and implement them permanently as a new economic growth. He promises to break Biden’s tax rate because of his policy of tax attacks on American energy production.

Trump promised to cancel Biden’s administrative commands on the firearms industry and protect citizens’ Second Amendment rights,” Trump assured at the NRA forum.

Trump said he would create a special team to quickly review everything federal agenciesdid under Biden’s ‘equity’ plan as well and he would bring back his rule banning racial and sexual stereotypes in the government.

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