
Despite Fewer Middle-Aged Deaths, Cancer Cases are Rising

Researchers working on a recent study found that the prevalence of cancer in people under the age of 50 may be due to poor diet, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption.

Reasons such as obesity and alcohol consumption are contributing to a rise in cancer cases among the under-50s globally, a new study has revealed.

Researchers estimate that between 1990 and 2019, new cases of cancer in people aged under 50 increased by 79 percent. However, cancer deaths due to early diagnosis in the UK between 2010
and 2019 The annual rate has decreased.
Alcohol can cause seven types of cancer including mouth, upper throat, larynx, esophagus,
breast, and bowel cancer.
According to the research, the incidence of cancer was higher in developed countries, the study said
that the more developed the country, the more likely it is that people under the age of 50 will be
diagnosed with cancer.
Scientists acknowledge that there is significant variation in cancer data between countries, with
developing countries likely underreporting cancer cases and cancer deaths.
Experts (who were not part of the study) suggested that the lack of increase in cancer deaths
compared to the increase in cancer cases could be attributed to advances in cancer treatment
methods and early diagnosis of cancer.
In addition to factors such as poor diet, smoking, and alcohol, genetic factors, lack of physical
activity and obesity may also contribute to the increased incidence of cancer in people under the
age of 50.
This may suggest that people in developed countries with better healthcare systems may be
diagnosed with cancer at an earlier stage, but only a few countries detect cancer in people under
the age of 50.
A team of researchers from Ireland’s University of Edinburgh and China’s Zhejiang University
School of Medicine analyzed data from the Global Burden of Disease 2019 study. The study looked
at 29 types of cancer in 204 countries. The researchers looked at new cases, deaths, health
outcomes, and factors in people aged 14 to 49.
In 2019, 3.26 million new cases were diagnosed among people under the age of 50, a 79.1 percent
increase since 1990. During this period, the death rate also increased by 27.7 percent.

The researchers said that while genetics play a role in the disease, smoking, alcohol consumption, and a diet high in meat and salt while low in fruit and milk are the main risk factors. Apart from these, overweight, low physical activity, and high blood sugar are also risk factors.

Among these cases, breast cancer accounted for the highest proportion (diagnosed at 13.7 per 100,000 people), while respiratory tract and prostate cancer cases increased rapidly (2.28 percent per year and 2.23 percent per year). percent respectively) came out. However, early-diagnosed liver cancer decreased by 2.88 percent per year.

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