
The master of the youth of the people of Paradise.. Al-Hassan bin Ali, the great imam and noble grandson

Commander of the Faithful and the fifth Rightly Guided Caliph, who combined all aspects of the high status to which people of all races aspire; He is the grandson of the Prophet ﷺ and his basil, and he is the master of the youth of the people of Paradise, as the Messenger of God ﷺ, told him. His father is Ali bin Abi Talib bin Abdul Muttalib, the cousin of the Messenger of God ﷺ, and his mother is Fatima al-Zahra, daughter of the Messenger of God ﷺ, and the Lady of the women of the worlds.

His name, lineage and nickname

He is Abu Muhammad, Al-Hassan bin Ali bin Abi Talib bin Abdul Muttalib, bin Hashim bin Abdul Manaf Al-Hashimi Al-Qurashi, the martyr civilian. He is the grandson of the Messenger of God ﷺ, he is the master of the youth of the people of Paradise. He is the son of Fatima al-Zahra, daughter of the Messenger of God ﷺ, and his father. Commander of the Faithful, Ali (may God be pleased with him), grandson of the mother of the Faithful Khadija and the fifth Rightly Guided Caliph.

His birth, naming and upbringing

He (may God be pleased with him) was born in Ramadan, in the year three of the Prophet’sﷺ migration, according to the correct opinion. It was said: He was born in Shaban, and it was said: He was born after that, and Ali bin Abi Talib (may God be pleased with him) said: When Al-Hassan was born, I named him Harb, so the Prophet ﷺ, came and said, “Show me,” My son, what did you name him? We said: Harb. Heﷺ said: No, rather it is Hassan. When Al-Hussein was born, I named him Harb. Then the Prophet ﷺ, came and said: Show me my son, what have you named him? We said: Harb. He said: Rather, it is Hussein.

His status and some of his virtues and virtues

Abu Hurairah (may God be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of God ﷺ, said: Whoever loves Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein has loved me, and whoever hates them has hated me. Abdullah bin Masoud, said: The Prophetﷺ, was praying while Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein were jumping on his back, and people kept them apart. He ﷺsaid, “Leave them. May my father and mother be sacrificed. Whoever loves me, let him love these two.” Abu Saeed Al-Khudri said: The Messenger of God ﷺ, said: Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein are the masters of the youth of the people of Paradise. 

Al-Bukhari narrated on the authority of Abu Bakar (may God be pleased with him) , who said: I saw the Messenger of God ﷺ, on the pulpit, and Al-Hasan bin Ali next to him, and he was approaching the people once, and then at him another time, and saying: (This son of mine is a master, and perhaps God will reconcile two great groups of Muslims through him). Abdul Razzaq said: Muammar told us on the authority of Al-Zuhri: Anas told me: He said: No one was more similar to the Prophetﷺ, than Al-Hasan ibn Ali, and about him he said: Al-Hassan ibn Ali was among those most similar in face to the Prophet ﷺ.

His knowledge (may God be pleased with him)

Al-Hasan (may God be pleased with him) was raised in the house of the Prophet ﷺ, and he was influenced by his grandfatherﷺ, and his mother, Lady Fatima, in his childhood. He benefited from his father’s abundant knowledge, as he paid great attention to it. The Commander of the Faithful Ali (may God be pleased with him) taught people the Book of God, including his children, his method in explaining the legal ruling and his method of deduction, the features of which were adherence to the apparent meaning of the Holy Qur’an, assigning the absolute to the restricted, and assigning the general to the interpreter, knowledge of the abrogated۔

 looking into the language of the Arabs, understanding one text with another text, and asking questions. About his problem, knowledge of the occasion of verses, specification of the year, knowledge of Arab customs and conditions, strength of understanding and breadth of perception. The Holy Qur’an for that generation, including Al-Hasan bin Ali, was the educational curriculum, and along with the guidance of the Prophetﷺ, the noble Qur’anic verses that he heard from his father, the Commander of the Faithful Ali (may God be pleased with him), had an impact on his knowledge and the formation of his character. 

His heart and soul were purified. The major truths in the world of existence, and it was narrated on the authority of Ali (may God be pleased with him), Abdullah bin Masoud and Othman bin Affan, and Asim, Ata’ and Al-Hussein (may God be pleased with them) took reading from him.

The Lord Almighty honored Al-Hassan bin Ali (may God be pleased with him) with life with the Holy Qur’an, so he lived by it. And the guidance of the Messenger of God ﷺ. Al-Hasan knew through the Holy Qur’an and the upbringing of his father, (the Commander of the Faithful) Ali, who is the God that should be worshiped, so Al-Hasan bin Ali’s view of God Almighty, the universe, life, heaven and hell, and judgment became Destiny, the truth of man, and his struggle with Satan are derived from the Holy Qur’an and the guidance of the Prophetﷺ.

He learned about the Messenger of God ﷺhadiths and matters that he mentioned that were attributed to the Messenger of Godﷺ. He (may God be pleased with him) was an articulate orator. The Commander of the Faithful Ali (may God be pleased with him) said to Al-Hasan one day: Get up and address the people, O Hassan, he said: I fear you to deliver a sermon while I see you, so you are absent from him where he hears his words but does not see him, so Al-Hasan stood up and thanked God, praised him and spoke. Al-Hasan inherited from his grandfatherﷺ, and his father, (may God be pleased with him), oratory, and the power of eloquence. 

He (may God be pleased with him) recommended learning the Arabic language, emphasizing the necessity of applying scientific rules in reading, especially reading Qur’anic verses, and demonstrating the abundance of his knowledge and the accuracy of his jurisprudence in the science of benefits and evils.

His role in reconciling and uniting the nation.

Al-Hasan ( may God be pleased with him) pledged allegiance to all the people who pledged allegiance to him, the Commander of the Faithful, Ali (may God be pleased with him), so he exercised his authority as caliph, arranging the workers, recruiting soldiers, distributing gifts and he was able to wage a relentless war against Muawiyah, and his unique personality in political, military, moral and religious terms helped in this, despite the presence of other factors, but Al-Hassan bin Ali tended to peace and reconciliation, to stop the bloodshed and unify the nation, and his desire With what God has, his asceticism in kingship, and other reasons.

Al-Hassan bin Ali led the reform project that culminated in the unity of the nation, and the reins of the situation remained on his side and in his hand and the hand of his supporters, and his military front was strong.

He (may God be pleased with him) had a clearly defined reform vision that underwent stages and motives, and overcame obstacles. This reconciliation became one of the glories of Al-Hassan bin Ali, (may God be pleased with them) throughout the ages and the succession of times.

Al-Hasan’s reconciliation with Muawiyah (may God be pleased with him) is one of the great events in the history of the Islamic nation, and one of the most important stages and reasons for reconciliation is the call of the Messenger ﷺ, to Al-Hasan that God may reconcile two great groups of Muslims through him. This is the blessed call that prompted Al-Hasan (may God be pleased with him) to Approaching reconciliation with all confidence and determination (and perhaps God will bring about reconciliation between two great groups of Muslims), a desire for what God has, and a desire for the good of this nation. Al-Hasan (may God be pleased with him) was ascetic in this world, kingship, and presidency, and if he wanted it, he would have conducted war for years and years. But he was looking at the afterlife, wanted to preserve the blood of the nation of Muhammadﷺ, and was keen on the unity of the nation.

The personality of Al-Hassan bin Ali bin Abi Talib (may God be pleased with him) is considered a leadership personality. He( may God be pleased with him) was characterized by the qualities of a divine leader. Among the most important of these qualities are: his great faith in God and the Last Day, legal knowledge, trust in God, role model, honesty, competence, courage, and chivalry. Asceticism, love of sacrifice, humility, acceptance of advice, forbearance, patience, high resolve, firmness, strong management, justice, the ability to solve problems, and other qualities. 

Because of the qualities of divine leadership God placed in him, he was able to present his reform project with his ability. On implementation and overcoming obstacles in the way, his outstanding efforts were crowned by the unity of the nation.

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