Food & HealthWorld

A comprehensive guide for non-Muslims during Ramzan

Congratulations on this blessing month of Ramzan. You must wish them a blessed Ramadan that will bring them health and wellness. 

Be patient with them, as staying all day without drinking coffee, tea or water may make them angry or tired while working during the fasting month. 

Be polite with them. Ramadan means self-control. Most Muslims feel insulted if you eat or drink in front of them.

Adjust your routine. If going for lunch or coffee meetings is common in your workplace, you may rethink this choice during Ramadan.

As a non-Muslim, you may have a lot of questions about Ramadan and Islam in general, but it is best to ask them politely and productively after breaking the fast.

Avoid asking contradictory questions that may offend Muslims, such as “Is fasting a good way to lose weight?” “Don’t you feel hungry?” and “Is it good to eat while the other is watching?”

Muslims refrain from watching movies or listening to music during the month of Ramadan. Therefore, if you are in a public place, it is best to use your earbuds.

Finally, if you are invited to an iftar banquet, do not decline the invitation except because of a compelling excuse. Take a small box of dates with you as a goodwill gesture.

The UAE has a majority of non-Muslim expatriates, many of whom are wondering how they can avoid offending those who are fasting. Some things can be done or avoided to maintain a close relationship with them during the holy month of Ramadan.

Is it permissible to provide water during the day in Ramadan to unbelieving workers?

Thanks to Allah and many blessings to the Holy Prophet (SAW) and his family and companions as for what follows. 

It is most likely that the infidels are addressed by the branches of the Sharia as a form of punishment. Just as they sin and are punished in the afterlife for their disbelief in God Almighty, they will also be punished for abandoning commands and doing what is forbidden, and the evidence for that is many. Al-Nawawi, may God have mercy on him, said: Then know that what is chosen is that the disbelievers are addressed by the branches of the Sharia that are commanded and forbidden. This is what investigators and most say.

By this, you know that you made a mistake in giving these infidels water to drink because by doing so you helped them to commit an evil. Although we do not oppose them if they break their fast during the day in Ramadan unless they show it, then they are prohibited from revealing what is harmful to Muslims. You could have told them that Sharia forbids you from helping them break the fast during the day of Ramadan, and since you have done so, we hope that you will be excused for your ignorance of the ruling, and here are the words of the scholars that will explain to you what we have mentioned.

It was stated in the footnotes of Al-Tuhfa: 

“According to scholars Muslims should not sell food to non-muslims during the Holy month of Ramzan, they further said that Muslims don’t need to confront them if they find them eating or drinking.”

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