Food & Health

“Prices of fasting iftar meals in 2024 in charitable organizations Ideas for making an economical breakfast”

Iftar meals for fasting people are Ramadan meals distributed to the poor and needy to meet their nutritional needs after a long day of fasting. You can find out the price of Ramadan meals in charitable organizations for the year 2024. In the following lines, there are also ideas for economical Ramadan meals that you can make yourself without effort and time.

Prices of fasting breakfast meals in charitable organizations:

Charitable organizations were keen to provide competitive prices for Ramadan meals to help those in need and support them in fasting. Here are the prices of meals in different associations.

The price of fasting breakfast meals at the Egyptian Food Bank:

The Food Bank Association provides two types of breakfast:

The price of a fasting person’s breakfast in Egypt is 65 Egyptian pounds from the Food Bank Association, and it consists of pieces of boiled meat, pasta, and dates. The food bank meal costs 65 Egyptian pounds and consists of rice, a piece of chicken, cooked beans, and dates.

Meals from the Friends of Leprosy Patients Foundation:

The Friends of Leprosy Association provides fasting breakfast meals at a competitive price as well:

The breakfast meal costs 65 Egyptian pounds and consists of rice or pasta, chicken or meat protein, vegetables, dates, and a bottle of water.

A fasting breakfast meal from the Misr El Kheir Foundation:

Misr Al-Khair Foundation provides fasting breakfast meal offers at different prices. Here are fasting breakfast meal offers from Misr Al-Khair:

A traveler’s breakfast costs 30 pounds and consists of pate, a bottle of water, dates, and juice. A fasting breakfast meal priced at 65 Egyptian pounds from the Misr Al Khair Foundation, consisting of rice, vegetables, and a piece of chicken. Misr El Kheir Suhoor meal costs 30 Egyptian pounds and consists of a piece of cheese, an egg, a fava beans dish, and yogurt. The family breakfast meal costs 250 Egyptian pounds and consists of a frozen chicken, a bag of ghee, a bag of sauce, and a bag of pasta.

Fasting breakfast from the Helping Hand Association for Development:

Helping Hand Association for Development provides comprehensive and rich fasting meals. Here is the price of the meal and its components:

A fasting breakfast meal costs 90 pounds and consists of protein, vegetables, starches, and delicious fruits.

Life Makers meal for breakfast for a fasting person: The Life Makers Association provides a fasting person’s breakfast for 75 Egyptian pounds, consisting of chicken, vegetables, starches, and dates.

Prices of iftar meals in Ramadan from the Orman Association:

The Orman Association offers breakfast meals for fasting people at different prices. Here are the prices for breakfast meals in Ramadan from Orman:

The cheapest fasting breakfast meal from the Orman Association, at 60 pounds, consists of marinated liver, pasta with sauce, French fries, and bread. A fasting breakfast meal for 2 from the Orman Association for 70 Egyptian pounds and consists of a quarter of chicken, bread, local rice, and cooked potatoes. The third meal from the Ramadan meal is priced at 85 Egyptian pounds and consists of grilled kofta, local rice, potatoes, dates, juice, and bread.

Ramadan meals from the Central Egyptian Society for Righteousness and Piety:

This association provides the price of a fasting breakfast meal in Egypt appropriate to the components of the meal: A fasting breakfast meal costs 80 Egyptian pounds, consisting of (a quarter chicken, rice, cooked potatoes, and bread).

Iftar meal for a fasting person from Masdar Khair Association:

Get the cheapest prices for Ramadan meals from Masdar Khair Association:

A fasting breakfast meal priced at 55 Egyptian pounds consists of protein, marinated liver or meat, cooked beans, and rice.

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