
A.I. Reimagines Relationships with the Departed: New AI tech may simulate the voice, manners, and movements of your dead loved ones

The inevitability of death has long haunted humanity. Driven by this primal fear, entrepreneur Artur Sychov embarked on a unique mission: to bridge the gap between life and death through the power of artificial intelligence.

Sychov’s personal experience, the looming loss of his father to cancer, fueled his determination. He yearned for a way to preserve his father’s essence, a means to continue their conversations even after his passing. This yearning birthed “live forever mode,” a virtual reality (VR) tool developed by his company, Somnium Space.

Live Forever mode utilizes AI to create digital avatars that mimic a person’s voice, mannerisms, and movements after a mere 30-minute observation period. These personalized avatars reside within Somnium Space, a 3D metaverse platform accessible through VR headsets. Here, users can interact with these digital representations, fostering a sense of connection that transcends physical limitations.

For Sychov, the benefits are clear. “You can get to know the person,” he explains. “You can hear their voice… You get to talk to them about different topics, and you get to inject a little bit of their personality.” This technology holds immense appeal for those seeking to preserve the memory of loved ones. Imagine future generations having the opportunity to “meet” their ancestors, to engage in conversations that bridge the temporal divide.

However, the ethical implications of live forever mode are complex. Elaine Kasket, a cyberpsychologist, raises concerns about exploiting existential anxieties. “It’s pushing on that fundamental anxiety that we have about the end of our being,” she cautions. Is it ethical to capitalize on such a deeply personal fear?

Beyond ethics, practical questions linger. Somnium Space is currently in its testing phase, with a projected launch later this year. The subscription fee for Live Forever mode remains undecided, as is the question of who shoulders the cost after the creator’s death.

Data privacy also presents a challenge. While Somnium Space assures users that training data is stored locally, the fate of personal data post-mortem requires further clarification. Legal frameworks for managing digital legacies are in their infancy, and clear guidelines are necessary to ensure responsible use.

The concept of a digital afterlife isn’t without its supporters. UltraLord, a user on Somnium Space, embraces the idea of virtual immortality. He envisions his avatar serving as a bridge for future generations, allowing them to connect with his essence. “They can talk to me and know who I was,” he says. “That will give them a stronger sense of self.”

Live Forever mode represents a pioneering step in the evolving relationship between technology and death. While the technology offers a glimpse into a future where loved ones can be virtually present, careful consideration of the ethical and practical challenges is paramount. As we venture into this uncharted territory, a balance must be struck between technological innovation and respect for the boundaries of life and death.

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