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“Eid-ul-Fitr prayer will be held 15 minutes after sunrise”

The Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs has instructed that the Eid-ul-Fitr prayer be performed 15 minutes after sunrise according to the Umm al-Qari calendar in mosques and Ridges in all kingdom regions.

The directive sent to the ministry’s regional offices has asked to organize prayers in all mosques and Eid places except those mosques located near the Eid places and where people offer Eid prayers. Minister of Islamic Affairs Sheikh Dr. Abdul Latif Al Sheikh also directed to complete all arrangements for Eid Al-Fitr prayers.

The Eid prayer is one of the visible rituals of Islam. It is linked to two great acts of worship, which are the worship of fasting and Hajj, where Muslims gather, shouting “Allahu Akbar” and rejoicing, rejoicing in the blessings of their Lord upon them, after they have drawn closer to Him through various forms of obedience and closeness so that they would receive the reward of their Lord on this great day. The Eid prayer has rulings and sunnah that can be summarized as follows:

The scholars differed regarding the ruling on the Eid prayer. Some of them held that it is a confirmed Sunnah, and some held that it is obligatory for sufficiency. If a sufficient person performs it, it is waived for the rest, and if no one performs it, everyone is sinful by abandoning it. Others held that it was obligatory, and this is what the group supported. 

Among the people of knowledge is Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah and others, and that is because God commanded it in His Almighty saying: { So pray for your Lord and sacrifice } (Al-Kawthar: 2). The majority of commentators think that what is meant by it is the Eid prayer, and because the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, regularly performed it and did not abandon it.

 Rather, he commanded that women go out to her, even those who are menstruating and those with impotence, as in the hadith of Umm Atiyya, may God be pleased with her, who said: The Messenger of God – may God bless him and grant him peace – commanded us to go out during Fitr and Eid al-Adha, freedmen, menstruating women, and those with impudence. As for menstruating women, they should withdraw from prayer and bear witness to the goodness and call of the Muslims.

The Sunnah for the Eid prayer is to perform it in the prayer place. It has been proven on the authority of Abu Saeed Al-Khudri, may God be pleased with him, “that the Messenger of God – may God bless him and grant him peace – used to go out on the day of Fitr and Al-Adha to the prayer place…” Narrated by Al-Bukhari. The Eid prayer does not have a call to prayer or an iqamah, according to what Ibn Abbas and Jabir, may God be pleased with them, said – as in the Sahih.

The Eid prayer is two rak’ahs, in the first of which he recites six Takbirs other than the takbirs of the Ehram, and in the second rak’ah he recites five takbirs other than the Takbir of moving and rising from prostration, as it has been proven by Al- Tirmidhi and others that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him (he recited the takbīr in the first two Eids seven times before reciting, and in the second five before reciting. Reading), and this takbeer is a Sunnah, and neglecting it does not invalidate the prayer, and the person praying behind him says takbir.

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