
What are the health effects of eating 12 eggs a week?

A short but unique study found that eating 12 eggs a week instead of two did not have negative health effects and did not increase cholesterol levels. It is generally believed that eggs contain special proteins that raise cholesterol, increasing heart disease risk.

However, a short but unique study has shown that eating two eggs a day or 12 eggs a week does not negatively affect health but increases other vitamins including vitamin B.

According to the medical website, experts conducted a study on 140 people and divided them into two different groups to test the effects of eggs on health especially on heart health.

Half of the volunteers were women and had a combined age of 66 years, all of whom were more likely to develop heart disease. Experts asked one group to eat two eggs a week with any food of their choice, while the other group had 12 whole eggs a week.

The experts examined all the individuals after four months and performed lipid profile tests on all the volunteers, including cholesterol levels, blood sugar, vitamin D, and B vitamins, among other proteins.

The results showed that both groups had similar cholesterol levels, but those who ate more eggs had lower insulin resistance, improved blood sugar levels, and improved levels of vitamin D and B vitamins. 

According to experts, more research is needed on the above issue and the benefits of eggs, while people suffering from heart diseases can use eggs on the advice of their doctor.

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