Palestine & Israel Conflict

Palestinian factions call on Arabs and free people of the world to participate in the Friday of Rage

The Palestinian national and Islamic forces called on the Arab and Islamic peoples and all free people of the world to participate in massive demonstrations on the last Friday of Ramadan, to demand an end to the war in the Gaza Strip.

This call comes within the framework of the mobilization for a protest movement under the title “Friday of Rage for Palestine.”

In a statement issued Thursday, the factions of the national and Islamic forces said that they called on “the masses of our Arab and Islamic nation and all the free people of the world to participate widely in the Friday of Rage for Palestine and to attend mass demonstrations and events in support of the Palestinian cause.”

The factions urged supporters of Palestine to demand an end to the genocidal war waged by the Zionist occupation of the Gaza Strip with American support.

The statement added, “We call on all forces, parties, federations, unions, and free youth organizations in the world to mobilize their members and supporters to actively engage in events and marches that represent great pressure on governments and regimes, to stop the export of weapons to the Nazi occupation entity, prosecute it legally, and hold accountable its leaders who committed crimes of genocide against the Palestinian people.”

It considered the escalation of popular and public pressure to be an effective and highly influential tool in changing the positions of states and governments and pushing them to side with justice and support the right of the Palestinian people to legitimate resistance, in defense of themselves, their land, and their sanctities.

The Rally of National and Islamic Forces includes the movements: Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, in addition to other factions.

American professor: Israel will be left alone while the Palestinian issue remains

Professor Jeffrey Sachs, professor of political economy at Columbia University, believes that the United States will not continue its support for Israel forever and that the latter is committing massacres and ethnic cleansing in the Gaza Strip.

He believes – in an interview with Haaretz newspaper in Hebrew – that Israel is carrying out genocide against thousands of Palestinians in Gaza, rejects the two-state solution, and believes that it can control all the lands between the river and the sea forever.

Sachs – who is considered one of the most important economists in the world and one of the most influential economists and thinkers on the American left – added that Tel Aviv is happy with the full support it receives from Washington, but it completely misses the true picture of the situation, which states that almost all countries in the world strongly oppose its policies, which are Therefore, it has become completely isolated, except for the support it receives from Washington and small countries such as Micronesia and Nauru, but the winds are changing, and even the American people are turning their backs on it.

The American academic expected that America would stop its military aid to Israel sooner or later, for several reasons, including popular opposition in the United States to financing the wars in Gaza and Ukraine, American youth’s disapproval of the Israeli position, Israel’s isolation in the world, and the United States inflated debts that are increasingly burdening it.

In this regard, he drew attention to the fact that America will soon step down from the international stage as the undisputed leader of the global system, in light of the rise of new powers, led by China.

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