
More than 1.1 million Yemenis visit Prince Mohammed bin Salman Hospital in Aden

The Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen contributed to the operation of Prince Mohammed bin Salman Hospital in Aden Governorate by providing the best medical personnel to serve the brotherly Yemeni people through 14 specialised clinics and a heart centre.

The hospital has an area of ​​20,000 square meters, with a bed capacity of 270 beds, and is equipped with 2,187 medical devices and equipment. More than 6,695 surgical operations and 2,682 cardiac catheterisation operations were performed at Prince Mohammed bin Salman Hospital from January 2023 until April 2024, while the total number of Medical visits reached 1,145,578. The total number of outpatient clinic visitors reached 387,703; the number of inpatients in the hospital and the heart centre reached 58,634, and the number of prescriptions was 302,784.

The Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen is a continuation of the efforts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to harness all the capabilities of government agencies to help the brothers in Yemen and to enhance the strategic partnership between the two parties about cooperation in the field of relief and humanitarian projects, programs and initiatives. Volunteering and development in the Republic of Yemen.

In a related context, the volunteer medical program was recently launched at Prince Mohammed bin Salman Hospital in Aden Governorate, which is implemented and supported by the King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aid and the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen, in the period between April 2024 AD – July 2024 AD.

The volunteer medical program consists of several medical projects in several specialisations that cover and help reduce the humanitarian need in Yemen from all Yemeni governorates through medical cadres and competencies within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The volunteer medical projects include:

  • The open heart surgery and catheterisation project.
  • Neurosurgery project.
  • Orthopedic surgery project.
  • Plastic surgery project.
  • Burns and deformities.
  • Medical project for specialised clinics.

The medical program comes given the readiness and capabilities of the hospital following its operation project, which is part of 34 development projects and initiatives in the health sector presented by the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen in various Yemeni governorates.

This program presented more than (229) development projects and initiatives in service of the Yemeni brothers. This program works on eight primary and vital sectors, in which education, health, water, energy, transportation, agriculture, and fisheries are involved by developing and supporting the capabilities of the Yemeni government and programs. 

With over 1.1 million Yemenis seeking medical care at Prince Mohammed bin Salman Hospital in Aden, it Highlights the hospital’s vital role in providing healthcare.  This high influx underscores the significant demand for medical services and highlights the hospital’s importance in the region.  

 It also emphasises the pressing need for continued support and investment in healthcare infrastructure to address the growing demand effectively and meet the increasing healthcare demands of the Yemeni people.

The staggering number of visitors underscores the reliance on the hospital and the healthcare challenges faced in Yemen, highlighting the facility for saving many lives. Investment and support are imperative to maintain the region’s healthcare needs effectively.

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