
Biden announced the creation of an artificial intelligence data center in Wisconsin to secure his elections

On Wednesday, President Biden announced a new AI data centre in Wisconsin, highlighting one of its most significant economic achievements and a win for his administration. He also pointed to a substantial failure by his opponent, who still needs to get it done, and the upcoming 2024 challenger.

Biden spoke at Gateway Technical College in Racine, announcing Microsoft’s $3 billion AI data centre project. This was an example of how he has fulfilled his promises, which Donald Trump should have kept during his rule.

The Microsoft data centre will be built where Trump once promised a Foxconn factory on grounds as president, hyping it as the “eighth wonder of the world” in 2017. A $10 billion factory would be made to produce LCD panels, and this work would be handed over to Taiwanese electronics manufacturers. Still, the manufacturers failed to materialise the factory as expected, as golden shovels were also used, and this project couldn’t be accessed.

On Wednesday, President Biden promised to fulfil the failed project in his rule. Everyone is waiting for Biden’s successful outcomes because they also dug a hole with those golden shovels. Then they fell into it,” President Biden said while talking to the crowd.

While addressing the crowd, Biden contrasted his approach by saying my previous predecessor made promises. Still, unfortunately, he couldn’t implement them practically and left a lot of communities like Racine behind. I will keep promises, and you will see their implementation in front of your eyes.

Biden’s fourth visit to Wisconsin aims to highlight the differences between her and Trump’s achievements. He has done three trials, and now he is in the fourth week of his trial regarding the payments to photographic film stars.

During his visit to Wisconsin, Biden attended a campaign event addressing the public and discussing black voters in the 2024 election.

In his speech, he said he believed democracy was at stake in the crowd of about 100 volunteers and supporters. According to him, the Trump administration would threaten his accomplishments by emphasising that “Trump means what he says.”

The Microsoft project is part of Mr. Biden’s “Investing in America” agenda, which has focused on bringing billions of private-sector dollars into manufacturing and industries such as clean energy and artificial intelligence. Microsoft expects that the new data centre will create 2,300 union construction jobs and 2,000 permanent jobs, proving to be a successful project.

Mr. Biden called Racine an excellent comeback story because a manufacturing town lost the Foxconn project, and thousands of jobs under the administration of Donald Trump proved to be a failure plan. 

President Biden said the people of Wisconsin had seen many job opportunities during his time because we remained strict with our plans and promises in America and gave equal rights to everyone. There is no concept of the top. We aimed to establish equality among the middle, bottom, and top.

Michael Whatley said, “Joe Biden is trying to look good in Racine County as Wisconsinites feel the pain of Bidenomics. Manufacturing is stuck, family farms are closing, and electricity, gas, and food prices are rising.

One of Donald Trump’s domestic manufacturing successes is the first major factory run by the electronics supplier in Wisconsin. With a promised 13,000 jobs, even after receiving millions in subsidies, the company abandoned its plans by bulldozing homes and farms to build the factory. 

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