Palestine & Israel Conflict

Israeli settlers damaged humanitarian aid trucks carrying food into Gaza, destroyed tons of flour and cartons

Israeli extremists attacked trucks carrying relief goods for the besieged Palestinians in Gaza.

The aid trucks were about to enter Gaza from the Israeli side. On the other hand, the attacks of the Israeli army in Gaza are continuing; 33 more Palestinians were martyred in the last 24 hours due to the bombing of residential areas.

Amr added that the gunmen destroyed the truck tires, damaged the goods, threw food parcels on the ground, and tore them up.

Ninety-eight trucks carrying food and relief supplies were coming from Jordan early Monday when dozens of settlers blocked their way at the Tarqumiya and Kiryat Arba checkpoints, located near the Israeli settlements in southern Hebron, said Adel Amr, a member of the Shipping Authority—the Syndicate in Palestine – Ma’an Palestinian News Agency.

Video clips circulating on the Internet showed settlers climbing onto a truck and throwing food supplies while others waved the Israeli flag.

The UN chief says the Israeli operation in Rafah will add to the further destruction of Gaza.

On the other hand, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has boldly said that there will be a military operation in Rafah regardless of whether there is a Gaza cease-fire agreement or not, and the decision of any international court cannot harm the goals of our war.

It should be noted that more than one million Palestinians who were forcibly evicted from other areas of the Gaza Strip have taken refuge in Rafah. Territory when the Israeli extremists climbed onto the trucks and threw the sacks of flour on the trucks and also wasted other food.

On this occasion, the Israeli police remained a silent spectator, due to which thousands of tons of food were wasted. Jordan sent aid trucks.

In the past few weeks, similar attacks have occurred against aid convoys heading to the Gaza Strip, where the war has been ongoing for seven months.

Last Tuesday, dozens of far-right Israelis blocked roads at the Latrun Junction near Jerusalem, preventing the passage of aid trucks coming from Jordan. They also attacked the convoy, damaged its contents, and threw food supplies on the ground.

Israeli police later said they arrested six people in connection with the incident.

The Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the attack on the Jordanian aid convoy that was heading to the Erez crossing with the Gaza Strip in southern Israel. Jordanian Foreign Ministry spokesman Sufyan Al-Qudah said in a statement last Tuesday that the Kingdom holds Israel responsible for the attack and considers the failure of the Israeli government to prevent such incidents “a violation of its legal obligations.”

Earlier on May 1, two Jordanian aid convoys were attacked by settlers near the Maale Adumim settlement in the West Bank.

The Secretary-General of the Jordanian Humanitarian Commission, Hussein Shibli, said in a statement last Tuesday that the Kingdom has sent 1,280 aid trucks to the Gaza Strip via land routes since the outbreak of the war on October 7. He added that 57 planes carrying urgent relief supplies have arrived in the Gaza Strip so far. They landed at the Egyptian Al-Arish Airport, and 92 Jordanian airdrops were carried out.

Monday’s attack came one day after Israel announced the opening of a new border crossing with the northern Gaza Strip.

The Israeli army said that the opening of the so-called western Erez crossing comes within the framework of efforts aimed at increasing aid routes to the Gaza Strip and to the northern Gaza Strip in particular.

She stated that dozens of flour trucks belonging to the United Nations World Food Program entered Gaza through the new crossing.

Last Wednesday, Israel reopened the Kerem Shalom crossing with northern Gaza, days after it was closed due to a missile attack that killed four Israeli soldiers near the crossing.

The life-saving aid was mainly entering the Gaza Strip through the Rafah border crossing with Egypt, which the Israeli army took control of last week as it pressed ahead with its planned invasion of the city of Rafah.

The crossing has since been closed amid growing concerns about deteriorating humanitarian conditions inside the war-torn enclave.

The United Nations warned on Sunday of a “severe shortage” of aid coming into Gaza.

In a press statement, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk said he was “deeply saddened by the rapid deterioration in Gaza as Israeli forces intensify their air strikes.”

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