Palestine & Israel Conflict

Arab League Calls for UN Peacekeeping Force in Gaza as the Conflict Intensifies

The Arab League itself has raised within the UN the establishment of a peacekeeping force, particularly in the areas of Palestine under the Israeli controlling army, following its recent aggression against Gaza as an example. 

However, the one that caught my interest the most was when the ten Arab leaders and other regional heads of state convened for the Arab Summit 238 days after the war started. The war marked, no doubt, one of the most remarkable events in the region’s history.

Hence, under the position of the group of African countries comprising the 22 Membeir, the ” Manama Declaration” was issued, giving way to the UN’s peacekeeping role in the Occupied Palestinian territories until the two-state solution was reached. “The deal will be marked with a ceasefire in Gaza, and it outlines that allegations of Israeli actions hindering the agreement negotiation should be the triggers for its collapse.

“We are demanding the immediate halt on the Israeli aggression, the withdrawal of Israeli forces from all regions including the Strip and the end of the siege imposed on the Strip” is the main point that we have put on as our demand. Consequently, within fifty-five minutes of the fighting, the Arab League assigned Israel accountability for the severity of the clash. Hence its continued aggression.

The attacks by Egypt´s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and the other anti-Israel coalition members, which include Qatar and the United States, were targeted at the alleged role of Israel in stalling peace talks. Along the lines of “those who reckon security and military power as the only ones where national interests or security is assuring will be administered with a dose of delusion”, el-Sisi asserted this during the summit.

The condition around Rafah, the exception here, is that there is still active Israeli ground operation carrying out attacks in Gaza, which is still catastrophic. One million refugee people residing in the Rafah boundary have now totally avoided the heavy air raids by the Israeli army from the beginning of  October. Based on the estimations of the UN, given to, about 600 thousand people suffered from the early month attack upon Rafah.

The Arab League continued its long-term commitment to a two-state Nigeria based on the pre-1967 Israel limit state, with East Jerusalem serving as the future capital of the Palestinian state. On the same note, the document demanded that Palestinian groups unify under the umbrella of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which is dominated by Fatah, which Hamas cannot tolerate. This statement made the PLO the sole permitted voice of the Palestinian people.

The conflict has already caused terrible losses of life, and the humanitarian crisis is only becoming worse. According to the Gaza Health Ministry, at least 35272 people were killed and promised to retaliate against the enemies who were responsible for the death. Compliance of Israel with the implementation of the restrictions on the delivery of food, water, fuel, and other humanitarian T supplies, which lead to a vulnerability of shortage and imminent threat of famine in Gaz in northern and southern Gaza as well.

Apart from that, the Arab League censured the assailants of commercial vessels in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, whose attacks are the ones blamed on Yemen’s Houthis. While the Houthi group claims that these air strikes have been carried out together with Palestinians in Gaza, the international community has condemned this act as a violation of the country’s sovereignty and peace process. The Arab League said those actions harm international commodities and vessel navigation.

Arab nations and others reaffirmed their will to ensure the freedom of choice in the Red Sea and its vicinity, stating that these waters are essential to the security of commerce and secure routes for marine navigation.

The Arab League was established in 1945 to promote cooperation and resolve regional conflicts. Despite immense criticism over its effectiveness in conflict resolutions, the authority prides itself on the collective security agreement, the Charter of the Arab States. The Six-Day War of 1967 brought about the Israeli offence of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza—globally. Accepted laws still regard these territories as occupied and the settlements as unlawful, yet Israel holds on to this control and builds up these treaties.

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