
Sunak apologizes for the great day of shame after the cover-up of the infected blood scandal

Elaph from London: The United Kingdom will spend about $12.7 billion to compensate people who became infected with HIV as a result of receiving contaminated blood in the 1970s and 1980s. About 3,000 people are believed to have died from HIV and hepatitis in the most significant health disaster to have faced Britain since 1948. 

After the report on the scandal was issued, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak made a statement before the House of Commons in an extraordinary session on Monday afternoon, in which he apologised for the tainted blood scandal. 

Sunak began his speech by saying: This is a day of shame for the British state, and added: “Today’s report shows a moral failure that has lasted for decades at the heart of our national life, from the National Health Service to the Civil Service, to ministers in successive governments, and at every level in which the people and institutions that We trust her, most terrifyingly and devastatingly.

The Prime Minister said these people had “let this country down” and that the disaster should shake our nation. These treatments are known to be contaminated,” he said, and warnings were repeatedly ignored. Repeatedly, people in positions of power and trust have had the opportunity to stop transmission,” Sunak continued. Repeatedly, they still need to do so. 

Speaking directly to the victims of the tainted blood scandal and their families, Rishi Sunak said: I want to make a sincere and unequivocal apology for this terrible injustice.

 He said he apologizes on several grounds: First, he apologizes for the failure of the blood policy, for “the devastating and often fatal impact that this policy has had on the lives of many people”, and for “the mismanagement of the response to the emergence of HIV and hepatitis C viruses.” Among blood-infected victims. Second, it apologizes for the state’s repeated failure and our medical professionals to recognise the harm caused. 

Third, the Prime Minister apologizes for “the institutional failure to confront these failures, or worse, denying them, and even trying to cover them up.” Sunak apologized for the “horrific time it took to secure the public inquiry. He said: This is an apology from the state to everyone affected by this scandal.

 The final report of the investigation into the worst health disaster Britain has ever witnessed, related to the “contaminated blood scandal” in the United Kingdom, concluded that the British authorities and the British Health Service committed a series of failures and deliberately exposed tens of thousands of patients to infection with deadly diseases through contaminated blood. 

The tainted blood scandal caused tens of thousands of people to become infected with HIV and hepatitis after being given blood contaminated with blood viruses from the 1970s until the early 1990s. 

Former judge Brian F. Jay. Langstaff, who headed the investigation, accused successive governments and medical personnel of their negligence in avoiding the tragedy to save face and expenses, revealing that deliberate attempts were made to hide the disaster and that there is evidence confirming that government officials destroyed documents. Pointing out that “this disaster was not just an (accidental) accident.

These infections occurred because those (who were) in power – doctors, blood services and successive governments – did not put patient safety in the first place… The response of officials (at the time) led to “Exacerbating the suffering of citizens. 

The report said that about 1,250 people suffering from bleeding disorders, including three hundred 80 children, were infected with HIV as a result of receiving contaminated blood products, and 75 percent of them died. About five thousand other people who received blood products also became infected with chronic hepatitis C, a type of liver infection. 

At the same time, the report said that an estimated 26,800 others also became infected with hepatitis C after blood transfusions, which are often performed. After childbirth, surgery or an accident. The investigation into the contaminated blood case began in 2017 thanks to the families of the victims, as thousands of people who received blood transfusions during surgical or health procedures were exposed to hepatitis C and HIV. 

An investigation conducted by health authorities revealed estimates that more than 30,000 people became infected from blood or blood products contaminated through blood transfusions. 

British health authorities had imported blood from the United States, most of which was plasma donations from prisoners and drug users in American prisons. This scandal has dominated my entire life, said Jason Evans, who was 4 when his father died at age 31 in 1993 after contracting HIV and hepatitis from a tainted blood plasma product.

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