Palestine & Israel Conflict

Israeli Masked Reservist Threatens Mutiny if Gaza War Ends Before ‘Complete Victory’

In a menacing video filmed on Friday and posted online, a person wearing a mask and believed to be an API [Israeli reserve soldier] declared his intent to mutiny if the conflict resolves in Gaza without a ‘complete victory’ There is hatred for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and claiming that he does not recognise orders from Defence Minister Yoav Gallant. 

 The masked man, dressed in an Israeli military uniform and appearing to speak from an abandoned building within Gaza, declared his and “100,000 reservists’” refusal to return Gaza to Palestinian control, including the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, or any other “Arab entity. ” Addressing Gallant directly, he stated: The masked man, dressed in an Israeli military uniform and appearing to speak from an abandoned building within Gaza, declared his and “100,000 reservists’” refusal to return Gaza to Palestinian control, including the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, or any other “Arab entity. ” Addressing Gallant directly, he stated: 

 Yoav Gallant, you can not win the war step down. You can not win this War; You can not command us. If we do not proceed till victory, then 100,000 reserve soldiers will stay neutral, and we will call residents of the state of Israel to come to Gaza under our protection. 

 The Israeli armed forces expressed an adverse reaction to the video and affirmed that such actions deny the army’s codes of ethical behaviours and are possibly criminal acts. A case has been reported, and the concerned chief of staff held an ‘immediate command meeting’ to attend to the matter. 

 Posted to Netanyahu as the PM of Israel, the video surfaced during a tussle between Netanyahu and Gallant concerning Gaza’s status. Gallant denied perpetual Israeli control over Gaza, which instead should be controlled by a Palestinian body for handling civilians’ affairs. On the other hand, Netanyahu has been categorical in his refusal to allow the Palestinian Authority a part to play in the Gaza affair, thus raising the political leadership’s lack of post-war strategy into a viable question. 

 In summary, the reservist’s message was straightforward – Netanyahu is better than Gallant & the chief of staff. He emphasised the commitment of 100,000 reservists to achieving victory and warned of taking extreme measures if their demands were not met: He stressed the commitment of 100,000 reservists to achieving victory and warned of taking extreme measures if their demands were not met: 

 This clip is dedicated to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, “This is for the reserve soldiers who do not want to transfer the keys of Gaza to Hamas, PLO or any other Arab country. The reserve soldiers are with you, and we want to win; it’s a one-time chance; we will be with you until we conquer. ” 

 The soldier’s rhetoric escalated as he expressed a desire for retribution against those who had harmed Israelis: The soldier’s rhetoric escalated as he expressed a desire for retribution against those who had harmed Israelis: 

 “No one will survive, whoever harmed the people of Israel, whoever harmed our brothers, the Jews, Druze and Bedouin, we want to eradicate them. ” Yoav Gallant wanted a military coup?  Well, I am telling you we are reserve soldiers who cannot go home – we will teach you what defeat and victory is, and we will show you how real Jews triumph. 

 The video posted by far-right journalist Yinon Magal and subsequently promoted by Yair Netanyahu has caused many controversies. Haaretz posited that the video’s material and Yair Netanyahu’s sharing of it might be considered sedition, which is punishable by up to five years imprisonment. 

 During the inquiry, both the Israeli armed forces and government are likely to be MTV WAP under consideration and the extent to which dissent of such nature exists in their military and political hierarchy, the fierceness of the political conflict in Gaza. 

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