
UN Chief urges a ban on advertisements from fossil fuel companies to save the climate

 Speaking at the climate vulnerable countries summit in New York on Wednesday, United Nations Secretary-General Guterres said that fossil fuel firms were the “godfathers of climate chaos” and demanded that their ads be banned, like tobacco ads. Guterres made this call at a time when disturbing new scientific analysis on climate change was coming out. 

 WMO has recent data that indicates that there is now an 80% likelihood that the global temperature increase will exceed the critical one. Target: A third or more of the winters significantly warmer than the pre-industrial average: at least  5°C warmer in at least one of the winters in the following five. For the past year, the average temperature worldwide has increased to as much as 0.63°C above pre-industrial levels, the European Union’s Copernicus monitoring system reports. This surpasses the 1. The 1.5°C goal was put forward in the Paris Climate Agreement signed in 2015 to minimize the detrimental climate effects like extremely high temperatures, hurricanes, and lack of water. 

 Guterres spoke to the audience from underneath a 94-foot life-like sculpture of a blue whale that hung from the ceiling at the American Museum of Natural History and implored for action now. ”We are playing Russian roulette with our planet,” he stated, stressing the necessity of an “off-ramp to the highway to climate hell. 

 Guterres urged governments to ban adverts for fossil fuel products to the same extent as tobacco products, as this has a negative impact on the health of the population. He also demanded that news and tech media players refuse to take fossil fuel money, describing these firms as complicit in planetary annihilation. 

 Guterres pointed to the rationale and emphasized the economic sense of shifting from the dependency on fossil fuels. He pointed out record investments in renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. Nevertheless, he pointed out a faster move away from fossil fuel use is still needed. He painted the present situation as a war between ‘‘we the peoples,’’ and the polluters and the profiteers and sternly challenged the world’s leaders to take sides. 

 The Agency, or better to say, the American Petroleum Institute, acting on behalf of the fossil fuel industry, responded to critics or challengers by stating that the industry’s goal is to provide “affordable and reliable energy ” and to “adapt to climate risk. ” But Guterres has struck out strongly at the holdbacks on cleaner energy investment and the attempts to manipulate the climate science narrative. 

 Guterres approved the growing use of clean energy but pointed to the need to intensify the fight for climate goals. The global community intends to reach the mark set in the Paris Accord since emissions were at a record high in 2018, and it is not willing to cut them in half by 2030. 

 The speech can indeed be said to have become a rallying cry against a backdrop of conflict and economic meltdown across the world. Conferences like the G7 summit meeting in Italy, the COP29 climate meeting in Azerbaijan, and the G20 summit meeting in Brazil are deemed the ideal chance to reactivate climate pledges. 

 The physical effects of climate change again appear with heatwaves in India and the US and intense floods in south Brazil. Recent research proves that human beings cause climate change. University of Wisconsin – Madison climate scientist Andrea Dutton also invoked the need to begin the action as soon as possible, as she said, “The sooner you cut emissions, the sooner you start making a change. 

 In his ardent speech, the secretary-general emphasized the problem ahead of the world related to climate change. His urging to filter out any advertisement connected to fossil fuels and to pay more attention to clean energy can be considered an appeal to unite and act immediately to avoid the adverse effects of global warming. 

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