Palestine & Israel Conflict

Saudi Minister Faces Backlash Over Speaking Against Political Slogans During Hajj

 Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Hajj and Umrah, Tawfiq al-Rabiah, became a subject of intense criticism on Friday after stating that the kingdom would not permit ‘political slogans’ during the pilgrimage. This announcement was widely considered as a reaction to solidarity with Palestinians during the continuing aggression of Israel on Gaza. 

 Commenting on the hajj to reporters in Riyadh, al-Rabiah said that the hajj is ‘a form of worship’ and underlined the necessity of all efforts to preserve peace so that the hajj can be easily performed. He said, “Hajj is for worship and not for any political slogans that means it is free from all the political motives, and this is what the leadership of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia wants to convey, that Hajj has the highest level of humility, serenity, and sacredness”. 

 The remarks drew the ire of Muslim social media power players using their freedom of speech to question the given statement’s vagueness. It, many understood as the protest in the world against the war on Gaza and the solidarity among Muslims with Palestinians. 

 One user said, “Islam is not a religion of the book where you have the religious aspects and then the political aspects. ” We have the masjid and the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) used to discuss the battle strategy. 

 One user pointed out that Hajj is the time when Muslims focus on their beliefs, and one of them is to stand against oppression. Another user emphasised what they perceive as hypocrisy; most likely, praising the Saudi crown prince will not be regarded as a political topic. 

 Another tweeter who identifies himself as a political analyst, Sami Hamdi, also raised his query. He wonders why al-Rabiah is refusing to talk about the Gaza genocide when he is within the sacred area of the House of Allah. 

Finally, and concerning the criticism, Inside the Haramain, an official account that contains information about the Two Holy Mosques, affirmed that it is permissible to make Dua (prayers) for Palestinians, especially those in the Gaza Strip. The account suggested, “What is prohibited is raising political slogans, whether from Saudi Arabia or any other country. ONLY the dhikr of Allah could be raised in the Two Holy Mosques. ” 

 Perhaps even inside the Haramain, it directly spoke to Hamdi, saying that the Gaza issue is discussed in Friday’s sermons and Ramadan prayers. The account also said, “Hope you understand this basic rule, but of course, hatred overrules facts and truth in your case” Further and worse insults followed. 

 This exchange prompted the Muslim Association of Britain to intervene, quoting a famous saying of the Prophet Muhammad about treachery and deceit: “Years of betrayers will come to the people, and the liar will be taken as a man of truth, and the truth-teller will be taken as a man of lies; the traitor as a faithful man and the faithful man as a traitor, and the Ruwaibidah will be the judges. ” 

 As the recent media revealed, Saudi authorities have recently stepped up their activity to suppress statements and actions of people who criticised the situation in the Gaza Strip and the actions of Israel in particular, especially against the background of growing talks about an agreement to normalise relations with the Jewish state. Recently, a local businessman and a figure of the state media were said to have been detained in Saudi Arabia for what was described as provocative comments on Israel and anti-American fast food boycotts in the kingdom. 

 This has risen, particularly recently, after Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman became the de-facto leader in 2017. The worst of oppression has continued to cause more suffering and dissent from those who consider the kingdom’s position as antithetical to justice for marginalised groups, which Islamic law and teachings are supposed to uphold. 

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