Palestine & Israel Conflict

The UN concludes that on October 7th, at least 14 Israelis were likely deliberately killed by their own army

In recent UN reports, it has been revealed that the Israeli army may have deliberately killed at least 14 Israelis on October 7. This claim came in the context of investigations related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It sparked widespread controversy regarding the rules of engagement and civil protection measures in conflict areas.

The UN report indicates that these dead Israelis may have been victims of military operations carried out by the Israeli army itself. This highlights the complexities of military engagements in residential areas and concerns about possible fatal errors or unprovoked operations.

 This report is expected to lead to increased calls for independent investigations, both by the Israeli government and by international bodies, to determine the responsibilities and circumstances that led to the killing of these individuals.

The report may influence public opinion inside and outside Israel, as it could raise questions about the effectiveness and transparency of Israeli military operations, as well as about the extent of respect for human rights and rules of engagement.

The report may increase political tensions within Israel and between Israel and the international community, especially if the IDF is deemed to have violated the rules of engagement or committed severe errors in its handling of the situation.

So far, the Israeli government has not issued an official response to the UN report. However, intense scrutiny and investigations are expected to determine the veracity of these allegations and provide clear answers to the public and the international community.

Human rights organizations and the international community may push for transparent investigations and measures to ensure that such incidents do not occur again. If the allegations are proven true, there could be calls for sanctions or corrective action.


The report highlights the risks faced by civilians and individuals in conflict zones and the importance of putting in place strict measures to protect lives and avoid unjustified losses. The report reinforces the urgent need for peaceful and diplomatic solutions to the ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.

The United Nations report on the killing of 14 Israelis by their army on October 7 raises many questions about military procedures and human rights principles in conflicts. This report confronts the Israeli government with its responsibilities and urges the international community to monitor the situation to ensure justice and accountability closely.

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