Palestine & Israel Conflict

In a stance ‘against violence towards civilians,’ Armenia recognizes the Palestinian state

Armenia announced its recognition of a Palestinian state on Friday, raising the number of countries recognizing it to 148 out of 193 countries in the United Nations General Assembly. The Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement: “The humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip and the ongoing conflict are among the most central topics on the international community’s agenda that require a solution. 

Armenia condemned “the targeting of civilians by Israeli bombing in the Gaza Strip. Armenia stressed that it joins the calls for the release of Israeli hostages and detainees held by Hamas and that it calls for a two-state solution.

Meanwhile, the Israeli Foreign Ministry summoned the Armenian ambassador to Tel Aviv after his country recognized a Palestinian state. The Hamas movement welcomed Armenia’s announcement of recognition of a Palestinian state and considered it an “important step” on the path to establishing international recognition of the rights of our people and establishing their independent state. 

The Palestinian presidency commented: “We welcome the courageous and important decision of Armenia to recognize the State of Palestine, which is an important step to achieve peace and stability in the region. The Palestinian presidency commented: “We welcome the courageous and important decision of Armenia to recognize the State of Palestine, which is an important step to achieve peace and stability in the region.

It also called on the countries of the world, especially European countries, to recognize a Palestinian state based on international legitimacy resolutions. Last month, Slovenia, Spain, Norway, and Ireland announced recognition of a Palestinian state. The Israeli government then condemned the decision to recognize an independent Palestinian state.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized these recognitions, saying that they “reward Hamas for acts of violence,” expressing his rejection of the principle of the “two-state solution.” Israel recalled its ambassadors to those European countries, while the Palestinian Authority and factions welcomed this step. Britain, Australia, Malta, and Slovenia have indicated during the past few months that they may also recognize a Palestinian state. 

Notably, the Palestinian territories made efforts to gain full membership in the United Nations, but they faced American opposition in the UN Security Council. 

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