Palestine & Israel Conflict

Morocco sends 40 tons of medical aid to Gaza

Morocco’s official spokesman, the Moroccan Foreign Ministry, announced on Monday that Morocco has begun sending forty tons of medical supplies to the Palestinian population of the Gaza Strip.

The ministry also stated that the aid included surgical instruments, dressings for burns and fractures, children’s medicines, and other items. A source of senior diplomacy said to Reuters that it was imported by air and would be unloaded at the vehicles of the Palestinian Red Crescent at the border of Kerem Shalom, the first aid of March by Morocco.

The Moroccan authorities continue to argue that they benefit from cordial relations with the Israeli state given supporting and liberating the Palestinian issue; however, many Moroccan cities have severally witnessed numerous demonstrations against these relations in the course of the war in Gaza.

On 7th October, which was a working day, gunmen of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) attacked and penetrated deep into the south of Israel, subsequently shooting dead about 1300 persons and abducting over 250, as reported by the Israelis.

The health authorities of Palestine mentioned that during the military actions inspired by Israel, which started a campaign against Hamas to react to the attack, more than one hundred and thirty-five thousand people were killed, and a considerable part of Gazan territory was destroyed.

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