Palestine & Israel Conflict

Escalating Tensions: Islamic Jihad and Israeli Forces Intensify Conflict in Gaza

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad resistance group fired multiple rockets into Israel as the vicious battles rage on in the Gaza Strip as tanks reportedly extend Their presence more profound into the strip, eyewitnesses and officials said. 

 The fighters of the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad said that they targeted on Monday several communities in Israel near the Gaza fence using rockets. This attack was qualified as revenge for “The crimes of the Zionist enemy against our Palestinian people. ” The attack was made with approximately 20 missiles, but none of the strikes killed any Israeli, according to the Israeli military. 

 At the same time, the intensification of dozens of attacks between Palestinians and the Israeli military occurs in the West Bank controlled by Israel. The Palestinian Health Ministry said Israeli forces shot dead a woman and boy in Tulkarem on Monday. This comes a day after the Israeli forces targeted the same area and killed an Islamic Jihad member. 

 Gaza, today, Israeli tanks have advanced their Operation in the Shujaiah suburb of eastern Gaza for the fifth successive day. Similarly, tanks have advanced further in western and central Rafah, a southern Gaza region near the Egyptian border, residents said. 

 Hamas has said that the force was drawn into a house booby-trapped in the eastern part of Rafah, and a blast was triggered, which resulted in the killing of a number of the Israeli forces. In southern Gaza, the Israeli military said one soldier was killed, but precise information was not given. Israeli Army Radio reported the case as, unfortunately, the soldier died in a booby-trapped house in Rafah, echoed by Hamas. 

Further in Rafah, an Israeli air raid fatally shot a Hamas militant who had launched an anti-tank missile attack on the Israeli forces. 

 The attempts to reach a ceasefire agreement with the help of Arab intercessors and the support of the United States were unsuccessful. Hamas continues to reiterate that any solution to cease hostilities shall precisely address the war and Israel’s pullout from Gaza. On the other hand, the Israeli defence forces have claimed that they shall only accept limited ceasefires before they are done neutralising Hamas. 

 This perpetual war situation has put the Palestinians in Gaza in a very precarious position, having difficulties in making sure they feed their children due to the Israeli blockade, which has made even the humanitarian exercise a very arduous task. The world is still observing the events, and even though hope for a peaceful solution is still quite far away, the violence goes on. 

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