Palestine & Israel Conflict

Solidarity in Sao Paulo: Brazilians Rally for Palestine

On Sunday evening, thousands of Brazilians protested in Sao Paulo against the Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip and in support of the Palestinians. The protest was led by the Brazilian Workers’ Cause Party (PCO) with the support of thirty other civil society organizations such as the National Coordination of Struggle Committees, Folks’ Front for Struggle Countryside and City- FNL, Brazilian-Palestinian Institute – IBRASPAL, Terra Vermella Indigenous Group among others. 

 The protest started in Oswaldo Cruz Square, whereas the demonstrators ended at the Western end in front of the Sao Paulo Museum of Art (MASP). Participants included Jose Genoino, president of the Workers’ Party (PT), Rui Costa Pimenta, president of PCO, and important Brazilian political personalities, Breno Altman, a political website journalist of Opera Mundi, and Sayid Marcos Tenório, vice president of IBRASPAL. 

 At the same time, the group supportive of the Palestinians arrived at Charles Miller Square in front of the book fair to insist on the absence of seminars and lectures dedicated to the genocide performed by the Israeli occupation in the Gaza Strip. 

 The situation in Gaza has worsened since last October, with the fighting causing dreadful impacts. Israeli military operations have caused the death of not less than 37,900 Palestinians, with a further nearly 90,000 suffering from physical injuries. The massive destruction of civilian properties has led to roughly 1.7 million Palestinians being displaced while the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip worsens due to the ongoing blockade. 

 The demonstrations in Sao Paulo are seen as a part of the trend of protests against the aggression in Gaza and as a demand for the humanitarian concern of the situation of Palestinians. People were coal miners and workers, postcards received, and a working script signed by demonstrators called for action to stop the aggression and send aid to the affected population. 

 Therefore, the attendance of key political leaders in the demonstration demonstrates substantial support for the Palestinian issue within Brazil. Josefina Genoino, Rui Costa Pimenta, and other leaders participated in an appeal aimed at achieving peace and justice, presenting the fact that the population suffered greatly from the consequences of the conflict. 

 In Charles Miller Square, the concern of the protesters was on presenting the occurrence of the atrocities in Gaza and what the world needed to do concerning the Gentiles. The failure to engage in any debates on the problems of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict in the book fair was perceived as a lost opportunity to raise awareness and promote the Palestinian cause. 

 The conflict escalated, and as a result, the solidarity movement spread to different countries, where people took to the streets and protested. The Sao Paulo demonstration is, in fact, only one of many others that have been taking place in cities all over the world with the aim of engaging governments as well as international organizations to take prompt action towards the violent situation in Gaza and regard the Palestinian people’s right to statehood. 

 The protest in Sao Paulo raised awareness regarding the conditions in Gaza and was a sustainable example of people’s unity to change the world. The Brazilian demonstrators, along with others across the globe, are demanding to put an end to the aggression and to seek a peaceful solution for the issue of Israeli and Palestine. 

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