Palestine & Israel Conflict

Former Biden Officials Warn of US National Security Risk Over Israel-Gaza Policy

Twelve former Biden administration officials who resigned in protest over the US government’s policy on Israel and the Gaza conflict have issued a joint statement asserting that the current approach has endangered US national security. They argue that these policies have destabilized the region and “put a target on America’s back.”

 Of the twelve, one official, Maryam Hassanein, quit the US Department of the Interior this Tuesday. The US Department of State has earlier dismissed such allegations pointing to its concerns about civilian killings in the Gaza Strip and measures to improve aid to the civilian population. 

 In their statement, the former officials declared: America’s provision of diplomatic protection, not to mention an unrelenting supply of weapons for Israel, has made our responsibility for the death and enforced starvation of a Gaza-trapped population palpable. 

 This statement comes after Hassanein’s resignation and reaffirms the declarations of the ex-officials in the committee since their support is not only for the Palestinian people but also for risking the lives of Israeli people, brave American journalists and activists, and the international reputation of the USA through undermining the rule of law. They continue to assert that these arms transfers to Israel over the years have continued to worsen the Middle East situation with America in the line of danger. 

 Furthermore, our nation’s political and economic standing across the region has also been severely impacted. Moreover, the global perception of the USA as a reliable ally and partner has been severely eroded worldwide in international strategic competition as the world has entered a new age of rivalry. 

 One of the signatories is Josh Paul, who worked as the manager of Congressional relations on weapons transfers before resigning in October. The statement is also supported by another ex-White House worker, two ex-air force officers, and an ex-army officer in the Defense Intelligence Agency. 

 Seven present and ex-employees of the US government informed the BBC that Biden’s demands toward Israel after the attack on the helpers failed to contain the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza. Hamas, which rules Gaza, took place after the massive attack that happened in southern Israel on October 7, 2023, with around 1,200 people killed, 251 of which were hostages. 

 Since then, more than 37,900 persons have been killed in Gaza, in particular, the head of the territory’s Hamas-run health ministry stated. 

 A State Department spokesperson told BBC that the agency has had a dissent channel since the Vietnam War that allows employees to issue dissents on a policy directly to senior department authorities without any possibility of punitive actions against them. 

 ‘I must admit that the president shapes policies,’ the spokesperson said. However, as we have seen, Secretary [Antony] Blinken has, time and again, in public and writing, encouraged people to use the dissent channel, and more so, he enjoys considering different and diverse perspectives. 

 In that regard, the spokesperson said that since October 7, the State Department has participated in multiple listening sessions specifically aimed at providing policy feedback concerning the conflict. 

 In April, the State Department publicly said that the US was at the highest level and made it clear to Israel that it had to respect international humanitarian law. 

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