Palestine & Israel Conflict

G7 foreign ministers condemned Israel’s legalization of settlements in the occupied West Bank

The Group of Seven has criticized the Israeli move aiming at legalizing dozens of settlement outposts in the occupied West Bank. In its joint statement, the G7 expressed concerns over such a move, which it said undermines the two-state solution prospect and breaks international law. The condemnation is in line with reactions from the European Union and many other international bodies, who refer to the legalization as a step toward further annexation and an obstacle to the long quest for peace in the region.

The latest approval entails the legalization of outposts hitherto regarded as illegal under Israeli law and added to which are further plans to build thousands of new housing units in settlements. Rising tension with actions meant to continue the bloodshed and dispossession of Palestinians in the West Bank, among whom it is the Palestinian Authority.

It reflects growing annoyance within the international community over the actions of the new Israeli government: unilateral changing of the status quo, acting against further peace negotiation. German officials and other G7 members expressed the same statement that such actions will make the region even more unstable and violate basic principles of international law.

The truculent firm stance the G7 takes against Israel’s intentions to legalize West Bank outposts mirrors the disquiet of the international community by such steps, which not only undermine peace efforts but are indeed violative of international law. The condemnation forms part of a more general pattern of global response. The primary purpose is to put pressure on Israel to reverse its settlement policies and re-engage in serious negotiations for the establishment of just and lasting peace in the region.

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