Palestine & Israel Conflict

UNICEF reports a 250% rise in the number of Palestinian children killed by Israel in the West Bank since October 7th

A new report by UNICEF revealed that the occupying Israeli forces killed 250 percent more Palestinian children in the West Bank since 7 October 2023. The surge in killing spiked the figure of Palestinian children killed to 143, which was 41 during the nine months prior to October.

UNICEF has pointed out the devastating effect of continuing hostilities, which indicate that over 440 children have been directly hit by live ammunition in this period.Security forces have increased their activities in the area known as the West Bank where several civilians have been killed, mainly in Jenin, Tulkarm, and Nablus. It has reached a level that children are too afraid to go to school or even take a walk in their neighborhood as said by the UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russel.

It has become worse with conflict in Gaza, thus children in West bank are experiencing high levels of violence and trauma.Russell urged an end to the bloody acts and in the long term, the political solution which would allow children in the region to stay out of harm’s way.

These outcomes reinforce the imperative to prompt the international actors to pay attention and interference to the rights of the affected populations as well as to the sources of the conflict in the region. Taking consecutive tolls, the violence not only results in people’s deaths but also negatively affects the everyday functioning and well-being of children and their families.

According to UNICEF, there has been a quite alarming 250% increase in the killing of Palestinian children by the Israelis in the West Bank since October 7th. Given this surge in violence, the devastating impact of this protracted crisis on children should be re-emphasized. This has, therefore, underscored a highly essential feature of de-escalation and adherence to international humanitarian laws—trying to save lives. Humanitarian organizations call for increased aid and diplomatic efforts to address the crisis. The international community, other than protecting these vulnerable populations, should arrive at a sustainable solution wherein children in this region are kept safe and secure.

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