Palestine & Israel Conflict

Washington gives Netanyahu’ full backing’ to expand war on Lebanon: Report Says

Intelligence and security expert of former Israeli origin Yuval filed a news story on July 25 stating that the United States has approved a larger war on Lebanon. Malka said to Israel’s Channel 14: “According to the information that the delegation has received, Netanyahu is fully legitimate in the United States for starting a war in Lebanon.” 

Malka said further that after his return, Netanyahu is likely to move to the Al-Kiryah military headquarters, where he will start the war. Naturally, this week, Netanyahu was in Washington for meetings with officials and a speech to Congress. 

According to Amir Bohbot, who is a defense analyst of Hebrew media, the Israeli army has informed the government that the current time is suitable to widen the war on Lebanon. “The Israeli army is prepared for a major ground maneuver in Lebanon and warns: Since the beginning of the conflict, any delay works in Hezbollah’s favor,” Bohbot said on July 24. “The army is informing the government that this is the height of preparations for war in the north.” 

Bohbot further said that if the start of the operation were delayed, it would enable Hezbollah to become more united and powerful, which would nullify all the current factors in favor of the Israeli army. He said, “The IDF acknowledges that the forces trained for the ground maneuver mission in Lebanon, including those with rich experience in Gaza, put the IDF at a very high level of proficiency.” 

Likewise, the Hebrew newspaper Makan mentioned that the Israeli navy invited a reception ceremony for two new tactical landing ships recently purchased from the United States at a navy station in Haifa. These vessels shall be fitted with combat systems before being used on several war fronts. 

Nonetheless, according to the sources in Maariv newspaper in Israel, Bohbot’s assertion of Israeli army preparedness to hit Lebanon and Hezbollah hard go in vain due to the extensive operations in Gaza in the last 300 days. 

This group has lately stepped up its operations, flying recently a drone over the strategic Ramat David Airbase and other vital installations and, thus, revealing their capacity to target critical installations in Israel in case of a conflict. The same has also attacked new settlements in Israel as vengeance for some actions by the Israelis in southern Lebanon. 

The secretary general of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, has said that if a massive war is waged against Lebanon, then it will draw a severe reaction from Israel. On July 17, Nasrallah spoke about increased threats by Israel and published info on a deficiency of tanks that was caused by losses in Gaza. He said: “If your tanks come to Lebanon and it’s south, the last thing you will lack are tanks because there will be no tanks to lack.” 

This development increases tension and the possibility of a more significant conflict in that area of the world. Israel, Lebanon, and Hezbollah are in the ever-watchful eyes of the international community since any change in their relationship has far-reaching consequences in the Middle East. 

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