Palestine & Israel Conflict

Donald Trump Calls Harris’ Remarks Disrespectful as He Meets Netanyahu

Former President Donald Trump Scolded VP Kamala Harris’s Remarks on the Gaza War as ‘Disrespectful’ Just Before His Strategy Meeting with PM Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel in Florida on Conflict. 

 This speaker is the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Harris, who seemed to have changed her tune on the Israel-Gaza war Thursday after meeting with Netanyahu. She threatened to ‘not be silent’ on the sufferings of Palestinians, which signified a shift in her position. 

 The president lashed at Harris on Friday before he met with Netanyahu at Mar-a-Lago, labeling her utterances as reckless and pointing at the Democrats’ internal split on the matter. “They were not very polite as far as Israel is concerned,” Trump retorted. “Honestly, I do not know how a person who is Jewish, could vote for her, but I guess that is their business.” 

 Right-wing Israeli politicians also criticized Harris, and some undisclosed officials said her remarks would make negotiating a ceasefire agreement more difficult.  

 Pictures of the occasion captured Trump someone shaking hands with Netanyahu, who is on a weeklong visit to the United States characterized by mass demonstrations against the war. They waved banners that read ‘Ceasefire now,’ ‘Convicted felon invites a war criminal’ as Netanyahu’s motorcade went to meet Trump. 

 Netanyahu recalled that military pressure has affected the actions in the context of ceasefire talks and will send a delegation to the following meetings in Rome. He said that we are not there yet, but time will tell if we are getting ever closer to a ceasefire deal, 

 The meeting is the first between Trump and Netanyahu since the former left office in the same year. 

The two fell out of grace after Netanyahu extended his congratulations to Joe Biden on winning the election acrimoniously trumped as a fraud. Although they had a beef couple of days before Friday, they seemed to have buried the hatchet. Trump further said at a reporters meeting, “We’ve always had a good relationship.” 

 While in his first term, Trump unequivocally backed Netanyahu: the U. S. has relocated its embassy to Jerusalem and recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Reports indicate that Trump, in an interview on Fox News, said that Israel should quickly finish the war and return hostages and slammed the Israeli Public Relations campaign. 

 To balance the continuation of the Biden administration’s embrace of Israel and the increasingly problematic perception of the war as a humanitarian issue for the Democratic Party, Harris has a lot to do to oversee 39,000 Palestinian deaths. This war was why most Democrats in Congress were absent during Netanyahu’s speech. 

On Thursday, Harris saw Netanyahu at the White House following Biden’s visit. The two said their meetings reiterated their observations about how, since putting her presidential campaign in the public domain, Harris has been more assertive than before. Harris said her conversation was efficient and pleasant, asserting that Israel has the right to defend itself but stressing that the means do matter. 

 About the suffering that is in Gaza, Harris commented rather solemnly about the civilian casualties. Here, she emphasized that such suffering should not make one emotionally unresponsive, as she vowed not to be silent. 

 Harris said Netanyahu also did not want to outline the Biden administration’s proposed three-part ceasefire plan of getting the IDF out of population centers and releasing some hostages. However, she opined that there had been hoping in the talks and highlighted the need to ensure an agreement; the actual key to the Harris political agenda could be noticed from the fact that the Democratic mayor of Dearborn, Abdullah Hammoud, demonstrated somewhat cautious optimism regarding Harris’s potential policy platform, mainly emphasizing her empathetic and sympathetic approach. A senior administration official said a deal structure has been agreed upon, but there are severe problems with implementation, which still need to be solved this week and continues to be solved next week.

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