
Muslim graves vandalized with paint at Burnley cemetery

 Burnley people were left outraged and disgusted after three burial plots were daubed with paint in the town’s cemetery. The gravestones were damaged the preceding Monday morning in the part of the cemetery allocated for Muslims, and it triggered research by police and Burnley Council. 

 These happenings happen in the week of disturbances and violent racist protests across the nation, but it is not clear whether or not the vandalism is from these other events. The authorities have already opened a fresh inquiry into the case and class it as a hate crime. 

 Burnley Council has highly denounced the actions and referred to them as the works of evil people; in response to the call for the Muslim community to remain calm, the Mayor of Burnley, Councillor Shah Hussain, has registered his concern. “I have relatives buried here, and this is going to be very sad for us all too,” he said. I would advise people not to be instigated. Some wish to see us divided. Let the police conduct their work. 

 The council has contracted crematorium contractors to vacuum some of the dirty areas, including polluted graves, in a bid to offer some consolation to the agitated community. An elderly man was particularly surprised and said, “It is quite shocking to see this, and it will be very upsetting for those families. I know that the local authority is informed and investigating. ” 

 This man’s parents are also buried inside the cemetery, but their graves were not damaged either, he said apprehensively: “It is very sad for all of us, I hope, the local police and the local authorities will do something. ” 

 A police representative also spoke about the case: “We have launched an investigation using information about the criminal damage in Burnley this Monday, August 5th. The police became aware of the situation at 4:15 PM and reacted to the calls on Burnley Cemetery in Rossendale Road, where paint had been poured across the headstones in the Muslim burial area. The investigation is still ongoing. This mass of offenses is very. 

 Councillor Afrasiab Anwar MBE, the leader of Burnley Council, expressed his anger and bewilderment over the action, saying, “What type of evil individual(s) would undertake such outrageous actions in a sacrosanct place of reflection, where loved ones are buried solely intended to divide the community along racial lines?” Refuting a Brotherhood claim of responsibility, the Police Commissioner confirmed the burning of a remembrance section and said 

 Elsewhere in the region, known as “anti-immigration, “ marches have taken place, and arrests have been made. Earlier, on the last weekend of April, 22 fixed-penality notices were issued across Lancashire, most of which were implemented in Blackpool. Lancashire Police have sought to assure the local community that they are on the lookout to ensure the public’s safety and security. They have issued a ‘Community Reassurance Briefing to calm the people.’ 

 It is worth noting that organizations of Muslims have appreciated the government measures that have been taken toward increasing security measures in mosques. After a mobilization of the extreme right and violence against Islamic communities leading to threats and attacks on mosques, the Home Office has announced the availability of ‘‘rapid security’’ to religious buildings for worship. 

 A British organization that tracks Islamophobic incidents, Tell Mama, said the attacks targeted at Muslims had risen by fivefold while the violence by a third. The Muslim Council of Britain and Islamic Relief UK have called for togetherness and rapid action against racism and Islamophobia. 

 The Prime Minister has also announced a shock move: the government will be assembling a ” standing army” of well-trained specialist police to deal with rioting, a bid to show the government’s seriousness about dealing with such vices. 

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