Palestine & Israel Conflict

Americans serving in the Israeli Military to get the same benefits as the US Soldiers, legislation Proposed

Two Republican lawmakers, Representative Guy Reschenthaler and Max Miller, have tabled a bill that seeks to end discrimination against Americans who serve in the IDF, as is the case with the discrimination that is accorded to Americans who serve in the US military. This is quite a surprising move of the South American country and goes against how other nations treat their citizens in Israel’s army.

“More than 20,000 American citizens are fighting against Hamas terrorists for Israel at the moment,” Reschenthaler said during the debate on this bill and the adoption of amendments to the law on defence cooperation with the occupied state. “This legislation will provide a range of measures necessary to support heroes who are on the side of Israel, struggling for freedom and combating international terrorism in the Middle East. ”

Laid down last Friday, the proposed bill aims to extend federal recognition to Americans serving in a foreign military, namely the IDF, as one would serve in the uniformed services of the US. When passed, the bill would alter US law and award some of the existing immunity to Americans serving in the Israeli defence force.

These protections include:

– Measures to prevent foreclosure and the subsequent repossessing of the rented houses.

– Lowered interest rates for the borrowed loans provided the borrower served them before.

– Shelter from the default judgments in legal matters.

– Such privileges as employment rights and entitlements similar to veterans in the United States of America.

The Washington Post, in its February report, estimated that as many as 23,380 American citizens are actually in the Israeli armed forces. Thus, 21 Americans in these military units have been killed in Gaza, and another died in the interest of cross-border exchanges with Lebanon.

Most of the Congressmen you would name as clients have endorsed the invasion of Gaza, where Israeli armed forces are said to have committed the extermination of over three thousand five hundred Palestinians, destruction of their homes, schools, hospitals and other buildings, urging their military to kill more, even targetting health care providers and media practitioners and specifically, in wearing a military uniform that is associated with IDF, a Congressman, Brian Mast, who has previously served both in the US Army and the Israeli military, formally declared his support to Israel.

Whereas some US legislators seek to enhance the benefits qualifying Americans in the IDF, other countries have adopted a considerably different position. The minister of international relations and cooperation of the Republic of South Africa publicly announced that the vermin of the apartheid state would track individuals who served in the Israeli armed forces down and prosecute them upon their return to South Africa. Likewise, Gazan medical reports called into testimony on the possible war crimes made by individuals of French nationality while they were in the Israeli army, prompting France’s foreign ministry to launch an official inquiry. In the UK, a Palestinian legal centre has called on the British government to explain if it intends to prosecute any of its citizens who serve in the Israeli Defense Forces.

Laws introduced by Reschenthaler and Miller provide one of the attempts to protect Americans defending Israel, providing them similar rights and benefits a typical US military member would receive. Nevertheless, this step comes contrary to the actions made by other countries concerning their people in the Israeli armed forces, meaning there is a vast understanding of different parts of the world toward it.

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