Palestine & Israel Conflict

At least 55 were arrested after clashes with police outside the Israeli Consulate in Chicago during the DNC

Chicago (AP) — There were severe protests of the status of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago; during the night, people clashed, and there was a major, predominantly unaggressive march the next day. On Tuesday evening, protesters confronted police outside the Israeli Consulate, clashing, and at least 55 arrests were made. 

 It began on the convention’s second night and developed out of an initial protest by a somewhat smaller and less authorized demonstration in front of the Israeli Consulate. This first confrontation resulted in many arrests and protests between the protesters and the police. 

 The next day, something like 2000 people protested in favor of Palestinians. Their march, which went beyond a park where supporters of the Jewish state were seen before this, headed towards the venue of the third session of the convention. Compared to the previous day’s protest, Wednesday was relatively calm. 

 The rally was being held by the Palestinian People’s Association, which has a large community in Chicago—in fact, one of the biggest in America. Several participants had to be transported from the suburbs, and buses from local mosques were arranged to transport them. 

 Raed Shuk, a 48-year-old man who lives in the district, attended the march with his children. His youngest child is two years old, and he held him on his back throughout the march. Shuk, of Palestinian origin, recalled that his son had picked up protest slogans after they had often attended protests. He agreed with peaceful protest, adding, “Here and there, everybody’s humanity needs to be equally addressed here and there. Let my children learn that this is a way I would always like my children to stand up for their rights and always peacefully protest”. 

The march was among the most anticipated demonstrations of the week and was conducted by drummers. Drummers warmed up the audience, and thousands of Palestinian flags were waved above the people’s heads. Families chipped in. Kids had popsicles, some in strollers or wagons, making the event colorful and united. 

 The manifestation of the two different days was the high emotional charge around the topic of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, freedom of choice of positions, and ways of demonstration. Whereas the previous night’s events were preoccupied with confrontation and potential for violence, the Wednesday protest drew people of the community together in a non-violent protest. 

 As the Democratic National Convention continues in the city, local police are ready for additional demonstrations. The manifestations have also revealed that many processes occurring on a global level are reflected in local occurrences and the passion with which various subjects interact with them. 

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