Palestine & Israel Conflict

Biden: What is happening in Gaza is “tragic” and a humanitarian crisis that must be stopped

US President Joe Biden called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, noting that what is happening in Gaza is tragic and a humanitarian crisis that must be stopped. He also called for the release of the hostages and their return to their homes.

 On Sunday morning at Morehouse College, Biden said: We will work around the clock, but we need an international effort to get more help to rebuild Gaza. I work around the clock to achieve a ceasefire and build lasting peace. Because the question now is: What’s next? What’s next for Hamas? What will happen in Gaza? What are the rights of the Palestinian people?

Biden stressed the two-state solution and said: I am working to ensure a path to the two-state solution, which is the only solution to one of the world’s most challenging and complex problems.

The US President, who is facing increasing anger and protests in American universities, stressed that he feels the anger and frustration of university youth, and said: I know that there is anger and frustration among many of you, including my family, but leadership is about challenging rage and frustration and searching for a solution.

A student graduating from Morehouse College in Atlanta this year carries the Palestinian flag with his back turned to US President Joe Biden while delivering his graduation speech on Sunday (AFP).

Several Morehouse College students raised the Palestinian flag while Biden was speaking, and others turned their backs to the president while he was giving his graduation speech.

The chances of reaching a ceasefire agreement, resuming negotiations to recover the hostages held by Hamas, and what is related to plans for the next day after the end of military operations and ending the war.

American sources described Sullivan’s visit and his discussions with Netanyahu and his government ministers as the last opportunity to test the extent of Netanyahu’s response to the demands of the American administration, which may mean considering the option of an alternative Israeli government.

For weeks, the Netanyahu government did not listen to the Biden administration’s demands to present a credible plan to evacuate civilians from the city of Rafah.

The gap between the American and Israeli positions regarding plans for the next day is widening, as the American administration believes that the Palestinian Authority is part of the solution. At the same time, the Netanyahu government rejects the return of the Palestinian Authority and rejects every Palestinian element.

Meanwhile, the United States held discussions with several Arab countries to discuss the idea of ​​forming a multinational force to assume governance duties in Gaza immediately after the end of the war. Still, the talks did not reach a final, completed plan.

A senior American official says that the Arab countries have demands and concerns and are demanding that the American administration deal with them, including a significant demand for Israeli recognition of the two-state solution and an American commitment to move towards establishing a Palestinian state.

The official pointed out that some countries expressed initial approval to participate with forces in ruling Gaza and stipulated that American and UN forces participate in these multinational forces.

Palestinians transport flour packages on the back of a vehicle carrying aid to the Gaza Strip last March (AFP). With the start of operation of the floating dock, which was established by the US Army, the US administration insisted on developing a clearly defined plan for the next day in Gaza to be a reliable reference for plans to deliver humanitarian aid. It is interested in obtaining clarifications from the Israeli side by explaining the meaning and criteria of victory over “Hamas”, which it adheres to. The Israeli Prime Minister insisted on invading Rafah.

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