
Cold plunging: Is viral new trend worth the hype?

Cold plugging is the process of dipping yourslef into cold water for a short period of time from head to toe. This habit is great for your health and makes your mood fresh and helps to recover your muscles after exercise. In short, it’s a really amazing activity to do. Every sports star and celebrity likes to do this activity.

Well, cold plunging is based on the idea that exposing your body to cold can do good things. Some folks think it releases chemicals in your brain that make you feel happy and strong. Others say it helps your muscles feel better after a tough workout.

Some people say about this activity that when you do cold plugging it creates chemicals in your brain which makes you happy but some say it helps your muscles feel relaxed after doing hard work.

But scientists are not totally informed about it. But some research has shown that cold plugging might have advantages like it improves your mood but there’s still a lot of doubt about it. This activity is not suitable for everyone, especially for those who have certain health issues.

Cold plugging helps to fight against the symptoms like heart diseases and the immune system. This activity also helps a lot in reducing stress as well as improves metabolism and cold tolerance.The speed of metabolism increases by 350% during cold plugs and helps to increase the amount of calories.Large amount of calories increase the production of brown fat and maintains our body temperature.

According to Francois Haman, a health science professor at the University of Ottawa, immersing yourslef from head to toe for a short period of time is a calculated risk at all times. It can damage your skin , increase blood pressure and even you can drown yourself.

Too cold water is extremely dangerous but sometimes it has no issue and sometimes it creates a lot of issues.

It’s very crucial to be careful while cold plugging. Discuss with a doctor before trying this activity especially, when you have health issues. And remember one thing there are many ways which make you happy that might work better for you. Give it a try if you are really willing to do this activity but don’t feel like you have to dive in headfirst.

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