
Concept of Social Justice in Islam

If the provision of social justice is carefully examined, it becomes clear from the comparative study of nations and religions that Islam is the greatest pioneer, persuasive, and truthful religion in the provision of social justice and social equality, which has given all the rights in society. 

Humans are endowed with the same status. In Islam, there is no discrimination based on color and race, nation and tribe, caste, wealth and power, power and authority, poor and rich, but the only rule and principle of its division are only “Taqwa and Godliness”. It is stable.

 Allah Almighty says, 

“O people! We have created you from a male and a female.”

And divide you into different branches and tribes so that you may recognize one another, the most pious is the most honorable in the sight of Allah. Establishing justice and fairness without discrimination is an important and fundamental pillar of Islamic society. 

Undoubtedly, it is only because of justice and fairness that the rightful gets the right and the criminal is punished. do with”. 

The last of the prophets, Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said: 

“The thing that killed those who came before you was that when a great man among them stole, they would let him go. And when a weak person steals, we punish him, and by Allah, if Fatimah, the daughter of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), steals, I will certainly cut off her hand.”

 But if we look around us in today’s society, we see the situation of social justice in complete contrast to Islamic teachings, because we have left behind the enlightened teachings of Islam and have become fond of the bare civilization of Aghyars, for this reason.

 Love and harmony have disappeared in society and chaos has increased. To highlight the importance of social justice in society, World Day of Social Justice is celebrated on 20 February across the world, including Pakistan.

On November 26, 2007, the United Nations General Assembly officially approved the celebration of this day, while for the first time, the International Day of Social Justice was celebrated on February 20, 2009.

 On this day, seminars, conferences, discussions, debates, and other events are organized by various government and semi-government institutions and NGOs providing services related to social justice, in which important political figures, journalists, religious leaders, Legal experts, intellectuals, and judicial officers highlight the importance of social justice in their speeches and give suggestions for improving the delivery of social justice.

Along with highlighting the demands for justice in various societies in the member states of the United Nations, voices are also raised against the persecution of citizens. Social justice means that there should be justice and equality in the daily lives of people in such a way that no one’s rights are violated. 

Of course, it is impossible to deny the importance of social justice because when people in society do not get equal opportunities for justice, it causes many problems that lead to an increase in poverty, corruption, and crime in society, and people fight and fight. 

History has witnessed that developing nations in the world have not only given their citizens opportunities for industrial development and progress but have freed them from many worries and problems by prevailing on justice in their entire society. 

Social justice is fundamental for the correct formation and construction of society. Even today, peace and order can be established in our society, and feelings of love and affection can be created, but for this, we Muslims must be properly educated. Become one who lives according to Islam. 

His teachings are based on fair distribution of resources for all human beings, rights and equality, and social justice and guarantee the safety and survival of human beings. You presented a concept of social life in which people live together, and treat each other with cooperation and kindness, because a person cannot be cut off from society and not conduct his affairs well.

Today, if we want to make our country a cradle of peace and security, implement laws based on justice and fairness, or establish a real welfare state, a welfare state where every person has personal and religious freedom. 

Where women are treated with respect, where the implementation of laws is not difficult, where humanity is not mocked, and where the rich and the poor have equal opportunities for advancement based on merit, all these can be achieved. Even today it is possible if we become true followers of the Prophet’s good deeds.

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