Food & Health

Eating guidelines given by Islam as nutritional wisdom

Muslims are blessed to have all the needed guidance about every field of life that they
need. There is no ambiguity in the preachings of Islam be that any matter of life. Diet is
a very important subject when it comes to health and fitness. What goes in comes out
in the form of health and energy. And as Muslims we are encouraged to live a healthy
life and give up on anything that harms our health and body. Food is the primary need in
anyone’s life and here’s why we should feed on the food Items mentioned in the Holy

  1. Bananas have been specifically mentioned in the Holy Quran. Bananas are a
    blessed Fruit and they make a healthy part of our diet. They are packed with
    potassium and Vitamin B6, very effective in maintaining fluid balance and muscle
    In the holy Quran Bananas are mentioned in those words:
    “Amid thornless lote-trees, and banana-trees (with fruits), one above another,
    and extended shade, and water flowing constantly, and abundant fruit, neither

intercepted nor forbidden”

Bananas can be eaten, as natural sweeteners and as a base for desserts.

  1. Olives are something you must have heard about if you grew up in a muslim
    household Well olives are also mentioned specifically in the Quran in Surah al-
    Mu’minoon where a verse mentions olive trees growing at mount sinai providing
    both a fruit and also the oil of the fruit as well olives have essential fatty acids
    really useful for brain and heart function.
    Meanwhile, olive oil is really well known for its benefits. Olive oil is associated
    with low cholesterol, few instances of heart disease and very low obesity rates.
    It’s filled with essential healthy fatty acids to protect not only your heart but also
    your brain and Allah knows that needs protecting. And that’s not to mention the
    potential benefits that olive oil brings to your skin applying olive oil in your hair or
    on your skin.
  2. Pomegranates are something everyone enjoys because of how great they taste.
    But there is a lot more in them than just the taste. Pomegranates are considered
    to be a rich source of Vitamin C and they are specifically recommended because

of how much blood they can produce. The Holy Quran mentions pomegranates
in the following words at one place:
And He it is who causes gardens to grow, [both] trellised and untrellised, and
palm trees and crops of different [kinds of] food and olives and pomegranates,
similar and dissimilar. Eat of [each of] its fruit when it yields and give zakah

  1. Grapes, again a fruit that is so light and tasty that they can be eaten as a snack
    anythime. In surah mu’min the Quran tells us about some of the fruits that we can
    hope to find in paradise and one of the things that it mentions again specifically
    are grapevines.
    Grapes are really well known in the scientific and health community for their
    excess amounts of antioxidants and flavonoids, both of which are really useful in
    fighting various health diseases and some studies have even found them to have
    cancer fighting properties.
  2. Figs, last but not the least of this list, that most people already know about. The
    Quran even has a whole chapter or surah named after the fig and mentions it
    specifically in verse 1 of that Allah Almighty is actually swearing by the fig and
    the olives and for Allah to do that it must be something truly special, truly
    Health benefits to back that up figs include them having really high fiber content
    useful for maintaining sugar and cholesterol levels as well as promoting a healthy
    gut and bowel.

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