Palestine & Israel Conflict

In its submission to the ICC, Russia is accused of employing ‘deliberate’ tactics of starvation in Mariupol

Russia has been accused of using “deliberate” starvation tactics in Mariupol in its submission to the International Criminal Court, raising major international concern about the actions of Russian forces in Ukraine. Mariupol, a strategic port city in southeastern Ukraine, is one of the worst-hit areas during the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

Since the beginning of the war in February 2022, Mariupol has witnessed a severe siege and intense bombing by Russian forces. The city, which was considered an important industrial and commercial center, became the scene of violent confrontations and fierce battles. The siege led to a severe shortage of food and medical supplies, leaving the city’s residents in extremely difficult living conditions.

In its submission to the ICC, Ukraine claims that Russia has used starvation tactics as a means of warfare in Mariupol. These methods include preventing the entry of humanitarian aid, destroying vital civilian infrastructure such as hospitals, water and electricity plants, and targeting food warehouses. The allegations suggest that these actions were not simply side effects of the conflict, but were part of a deliberate strategy to weaken the Ukrainian resistance by exposing civilians to hunger and suffering.

If these allegations prove true, the use of starvation as a method of warfare would be a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law. The Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions of 1977 prohibits the use of starvation as a method of war, and considers it a war crime. Submitting these charges to the International Criminal Court means that there is a call to investigate these potential crimes and prosecute those responsible.

These accusations sparked widespread reactions from the international community. Many countries and international organizations have denounced the use of starvation as a method of war and called for independent investigations to determine the facts and hold perpetrators accountable. The United Nations and human rights organizations expressed their deep concern about the humanitarian situation in Mariupol and demanded that humanitarian aid be allowed to arrive without hindrance.

Intentional starvation has devastating effects on the civilian population. In Mariupol, thousands of people live in harsh conditions with severe shortages of food, water and medical care. The humanitarian crisis is worsening as the conflict continues, with many children, women and the elderly suffering from malnutrition and disease.

International investigations into these allegations are expected to continue, and there will likely be increasing pressure on Russia to cooperate with these investigations. At the same time, humanitarian organizations are working hard to provide assistance to civilians trapped in Mariupol and provide immediate relief.

Accusations against Russia of using deliberate starvation tactics in Mariupol reflect the tragic situation that civilians are suffering in the ongoing conflict. These accusations highlight the urgent need for international investigation and accountability to ensure no impunity and justice for victims. It is necessary to intensify humanitarian efforts to provide support and assistance to those affected by this bloody conflict.

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