Palestine & Israel Conflict

Iran Dismisses European Calls for Restraint Against Israel

 DUBAI, Aug 13 – Iran’s foreign ministry has dismissed the latest calls for it to be cautious with Israel made by France, Germany, and Britain as politically irrational as well as violating the principles of international law. 

 On Monday, the three European States called on Iran and its allies to desist from any reprisal for the death of Ismail Haniyeh, the political chief of the Palestinian militant group Hamas, in Tehran last month. 

 There are various alleged perpetrators of the event, but Iran, its allies Hamas, and the Lebanese Shi’ite group Hezbollah blame Israel for the act. However, for the act, the Israeli government does not have responsibility. 

 In response, the Iranian foreign ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said that the so-called E3 ‘ expectation “simply falsely demands that Iran should not respond to a flagrant violation of its sovereignty and territorial integrity at the hands of the Zionist regime [Israel]. 

 Kanaani said Iran is determined to continue and make a stance against Israel and urged Paris, Berlin, and London to “stop burying their heads in the sand and condemn war in Gaza and Israel aggression. 

 He also blamed the UN Security Council for the paralysis of action and, more to the point, mainstream Western states for political & military backing of Israel as the leading cause of the continuous Gaza conflict. 

 In amping up tension between Iran and Israel as well as the European entangle, the struggle to obtain diplomatic resolution gives the region a complicated curve. With the situation in Gaza getting worse, the international community is likely to be put in a tight spot to find ways of containing the conflict as well as what it implies to regional security. 

 Kanaani also said that the support of the Western countries for Israel means very severe consequences for the stability of the region. He said that such backing only encourages more aggression by Israel, which might lead to more violence. ”While pointing at the West’s double standards, hypocrisy, and, selective justice the speaker noted that the Western states not only do not work for peace but actually contribute to worsening of the situation,” Kanaani said. He appealed to the global society to search for a new approach and reflect on a more balanced and less destabilizing solution to the conflict. 

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