Palestine & Israel Conflict

Israel has made 28 air attacks on the West Bank since Oct 7 — UN

Most of Palestine died, and a lot of infrastructure was destroyed; the prominent strikes lie in the 28 air raids that Israel conducted since the events of October 7, 2023, on the West Bank. This attack was part of the large military operation induced by the Hamas attack in southern Israel on October 7 that claimed the lives of about 1,400 Israelis and the abduction of over 200 hostages.

The United Nations Human Rights Office has documented a sharp increase in violence in the West Bank, with at least 300 Palestinians killed, including 79 children. Two hundred ninety-one of these were killed by Israeli forces, and the rest were killed by settlers or a combination of both. The air strikes and military incursions have targeted areas of high population density, including refugee camps, causing deaths, injuries, and widespread destruction of civilian infrastructure.

There has also been a rise in settler violence against Palestinians. Armed settlers, more often than not with the tacit support of the Israeli security forces, have been involved in shootings, the burning of homes and vehicles, and other violent acts. This has victimized hundreds of Palestinians and has further blurred the lines between security operations and settler aggression.

UN officials have decried such disproportionate force and broad, arbitrary movement restrictions on the occupied Palestinians. The High Commissioner of Human Rights, Volker Turk, also condemned the use of disproportionate force and broad, arbitrary limits on the movement of Palestinians. This follows the statement by the High Commissioner for Human Rights deploring the disproportionate use of force and broad, arbitrary movement restrictions against occupied Palestinians. 

The High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turk, called for an immediate end to settler violence and urged Israel to ensure protection for the Palestinian communities. He further stated that the dehumanization of the Palestinians and the culture of impunity about violence, both by settlers and Israeli forces, are.

Further causing unrest is the political climate in Israel, with thousands of firearms approved for distribution by settlers under Far-right settlers and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir. This step has been criticized as fueling further violence.

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