Palestine & Israel Conflict

Israel’s ongoing war crimes in Palestine

The dreadful sound of explosions, missile attacks, children moaning in pain from injuries, women, men, the wails of people buried in the rubble, the helpless parents calling to Allah while lifting the lifeless
bodies of children, the grief of seeing the dead bodies of parents. Screaming children, blood everywhere, scattered body parts, the shadow of death, all these scenes are not from a horror movie or a nightmare, this is a reality that is happening in Palestine these days.

For a moment put yourself in the place of the Palestinians and you will realize how difficult it must be for parents to see the dead bodies of their innocent children, moaning in their wounds. How will the heart ache and feel helpless?

Al-Shafa, the largest hospital in Gaza, was given only one hour’s notice by the Israeli army to evacuate the entire hospital. In the video that went viral at that time, this scene of chaos is like an apocalypse. Injured children and adults lie on the ground. No one is telling anyone what to do, where to go. Premature babies in incubators have already died as the incubator ran out of power.

How can we forget the video of the innocent child with no family left and was looking up to the sky and crying out Ya Rabbi Ya Rabbi. How insecure children will feel after the testimonies of their family members. How sad the little innocent hearts will be.

This is the brave nation that remembers Allah even in such a difficult time and is only asking Him for help. If the brave and courageous people including journalists and social media users, had not shown the world the violation of human rights in every way, then the Zionist state of Israel would have continued to throw dust in the eyes of the world with its false propaganda.

There are some guiding principles of living in the world that civilized nations follow, but the atrocities of Israel that have been going on for the past five months have reached an extreme. Thousands of Palestinian Muslims are being brutally massacred by Israel under the guise of Hamas’s attack on October 7. And Israel’s intentions were evident from the speeches of its government representatives since last year.

This situation is a test not only for Muslims but also for humanity and it has become a moment of concern for the world, which is being condemned not only by Muslims but also by people belonging to all races and religions. Even Jews who are against the Israeli Zionist state and consider it completely separate from Judaism.
Demonstrations against Israel’s recent atrocities are ongoing all over the world. The slogans of Free Palestine and Palestine Will Be Free are echoing from all corners of the planet.

All the human rights organizations, including the United Nations human rights organizations such as the World Health Organization, continue to make statements against Israeli atrocities, but still this series of killings continues. Israel wants to evict the Palestinians from their land to achieve economic goals.

The Israeli barbarism is at the height of attacks on civilian areas, schools, mosques, buildings, water reservoirs and even hospitals in Gaza.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, more than 30,000 Palestinians have been martyred in Israeli attacks since October 7. About 75% of them are children and women. The number of injured is more than 70,000. If this is not genocide, then what is?

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